disagree. "上帝不应允祷告时一般有很多因素, 从你的描述看得出这位姐妹信心不足". sounds like if you 信心足, God gives what you ask for. I guess church's official stand on this is, God ALWAYS answers prayers,here is the catch
, but in a way that you might not understand - meaning, He answers your prayers, but that doesnt mean He will gives what you ask for. He does what He thinks is best, not what you ask for.
菜叔说的对~~~我那两句话不应该有因果关系, sorry for the misleading ~:)
鸟MM真是 extremely kind and soft,这也道哈歉,弄的菜羞愧地低下了头。谈天说地我们这些嘴比鸭子硬的同学们,能学学就好了。。。。