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sorry for the confusing, when I said "stupid", I did not only mean IQ, also includes EQ,QQ and all kinds of other Qs....


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / Do you guys think that majority of 人类 is very stupid?
    • 其实人与人之间的智力差别不大。一个人无论做什么事情,成功与否,差别的根源在于态度。
    • 敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端。认识至圣者,便是聪明。
      • thank you. I already 开端.
        • congratulations!
          • 开端了,可继续难呐
            • 在神没有难成的事
              • I hope I can feel He is helping me...
                • “你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。因为凡祈求的,就得着;寻找的,就寻见;叩门的,就给他开门。”
                  • book-chapter-verse please. want to read the context. recently I am in a big trouble and need some guidence from the books. thanks.
                    • 太7:7~8
                      • thanks a bunch
                        • 不客气。再上面的是箴9:10 “敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端;认识至圣者,便是聪明。”
                          • Yeah, I knew that Proverbs one because it is too famous... thanks for sharing
                  • 今天说起道教堂有人开枪,神的传教士给塔利班捉为人质,一个资深基督徒解释说“神有一个属性就是不干预“。我就拿你上面的话回了。
                    • 没明白你是想肯定还是否定。
                      • 否定,以圣经为准。
                        • 可是上面的经节不能否定其不干预性呀。如果人不愿意去祈求、去叩门、去寻找,神在某种程度上不会干预,会尊重人自己的选择。至于你提到的事例是否属于神的不干预性,我倒是不敢苟同。
                          • 圣经没说神不干预呀,诺亚方舟不就是干预吗?旧约很多给大大祝福的,给大大惩罚的。
                            • 我只是说你引用那段经节不能否定不干预性。其实所谓的干预不干预在于怎么理解。神给人自由选择的权利,但也不会放任不管。“该出手时就出手” 。
                              • I feel in recent years, or, in recent 2000 years, He does not intervine as much as He did in Old Testament time.
                                • 那可能是大多数人对一些事情已经见怪不怪熟视无睹了吧。或者是没有看到自己所期望的那种干预罢。
    • 人类一思考,上帝就发笑,呵呵。。。
      • 人的主先吃了果子了,没法不思考。上帝笑什么?他自己在撒旦面前输得一干二净,好笑吗?
      • 是,明言!
    • 千万别这样说,没有一个生命(包括小动物),是可以让我们轻视的。阿弥陀佛!
      • saying somebody is stupid <> 轻视 somebody.... myself is stupid most of time too, but I do not 轻视 myself....
    • 心灵在呼喊:不要走,不要走 ... ...
      • 搞笑,不要往哪走呀?大白天的,听起来森的慌......啊
        • 讲笑讲笑。既然好言劝不回头,只好瘆瘆TA了。都是为TA好。
    • All men are created equally. The Creator doesn't evaluate them by their IQ.
      • sorry for the confusing, when I said "stupid", I did not only mean IQ, also includes EQ,QQ and all kinds of other Qs....
        • 你老忘提 阿Q 了吧?
    • Define "stupid", first.
      • sorry for the confusing, when I said "stupid", I did not only mean IQ, also includes EQ,QQ and all kinds of other Qs.... -win(秋天的菠菜); 11:35 (#3858808@0)Reply MAYBE I MEANT "NOT REASONABLE" ?