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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


The good news is that 15 minutes of light snow shoveling counts
as moderate physical activity (ACSM, 2005). We should all aim
for at least 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity of some
The bad news is that researchers have reported an increase in
the number of fatal heart attacks among individuals shoveling
snow following heavy snowfalls. This rise may be due to the
sudden demand that shoveling places on an individual's heart by
causing a quick increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
Who should

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【学术交流,哪些同学不能铲雪?】首先是连接长篇。请打开。
    Who should think twice about shoveling snow? ..............1
    Prior to Shoveling ................................................................2
    Picking the right snow shovel ............................................3
    Shoveling Techniques .........................................................3
    What are guidelines for shoveling? ...................................5
    Other Techniques.................................................................5
    Take Home Message............................................................8
    • 哪些人不应该铲雪?
      Who should think twice about shoveling snow?

      Those most at risk for a heart attack include: 以下容易爆发心脏病的人:

      • Anyone who has had a previous heart
      attack. 爆发过心脏病的人。

      • People with a history of heart disease,
      high blood pressure or high cholesterol
      levels. 有高血,高血脂,或者心脏病历史的人。

      • Smokers.抽烟者

      • People leading a sedentary lifestyle. 习惯静坐不好动的人。

      • People with existing back problems. 后背有疾病的人。
    • 铲雪前的准备工作,一定要事前做一些暖身运动。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Prior to Shoveling 铲雪之前:

      • Avoid caffeine and nicotine. These are stimulants that place
      extra stress on the heart including increasing your heart rate
      and causing blood vessels to constrict.

      • Avoid eating large meals as it places extra demands on the
      digestive system and can lead to stomach cramps.

      • Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is just as big an issue in
      cold winter months as it is in the summer.

      • Dress in several layers so you can remove a layer as
      needed. Ensure that you dress warmly in cold weather.

      Remember that extremities, such as the nose, ears, hands
      and feet need extra attention when it is cold outside. Wear a
      turtleneck, sweater, toque, scarf, face protection, wool socks
      and waterproof boots. A scarf or other face protection can be
      placed over the nose and mouth to avoid breathing cold air.

      • Wear proper footwear: Boots with slip-resistant soles can help
      to minimize the risk of slips and falls.

      Warm up. Before beginning any snow shoveling, warm-up for
      five to ten minutes to get the joints moving and increase blood
      circulation. To do this, march on the spot, climb stairs, or go for a
      quick walk around the block. Follow this with gentle stretches for
      the back (knees to chest), arms and shoulders (body hug), and
      legs (forward bends from a seated position). This will ensure that
      your body is ready for action.
      Your back is especially vulnerable when you first wake up. Back
      muscles stiffen while you sleep and the discs refill with fluid during
      the night. If you attempt to exert yourself shortly after getting out
      of bed, you increase the risk of injury. If you plan to head outside
      to shovel the driveway, be sure you warm up your lower back first.
      Taking a warm shower to loosen stiff muscles and joints can be
      quite beneficial.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哪样的雪铲最好?
      Picking the right snow shovel
      The most important features of a shovel include:
      • weight
      • length
      . handle type, and
      • blade size/shape.
    • 整的跟参加奥运会似的
      • 三铁!
        • 还是奥运会容易点
          • looooooooool
      • 当然,铲雪基本是MODERATE的体力活呢。
        The good news is that 15 minutes of light snow shoveling counts
        as moderate physical activity (ACSM, 2005). We should all aim
        for at least 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity of some
        The bad news is that researchers have reported an increase in
        the number of fatal heart attacks among individuals shoveling
        snow following heavy snowfalls. This rise may be due to the
        sudden demand that shoveling places on an individual's heart by
        causing a quick increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
        Who should
      • 你肯定铲雪没问题。。。年轻。。。也壮得像头牛似的。。。
        • 就是这类更要注意,因为他们太自信了。
          • 滑雪比铲雪累
    • 安全铲雪技巧:按照the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)的研究, 最好每分钟铲15铲子,而且每15分钟就要休息2到3分钟。
      Shoveling Techniques 安全铲雪技巧。

      What is the recommended rate for shoveling?

      According to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and
      Safety (CCOHS), the recommended rate for continuous
      shoveling tasks is considered to be around 15 scoops per
      minute. Tasks involving continuous shoveling at this rate should
      not last for longer than 15 minutes at a time, followed by a rest
      break of at least 2-3 minutes.
      • 露馅了吧 要推 不要铲 不要纸上谈兵
        • 小北哥,鼓励为主,鼓励为主,新年呢,还是。
          • 一看就知道没干过
            • 我们家,这是男生的事儿,女生给煲汤,弄热饮料暖身。 我家同学出差,我们邻居小孩儿代劳,我们给小费+靓汤。 +1
    • 一铲子铲多少重量的雪合适呢?不损害健康呢?
      What is the recommended weight to be lifted?

      The load lifted should be adjusted according to the shoveling rate.
      For a high rate of shoveling (about 15 scoops per minute) the
      total weight (shovel plus a shovel load) should not exceed 5 to 7
      kg (about 10 to 15 Ibs). For a lower rate, the load can be
      increased to a maximum of 11 kg (about 24 Ibs). Wet, heavy
      snow should be lifted in smaller loads as the weight per volume of
      snow is much greater than fluffy, powdery snow.
      • 哪有卖称铲的
        • 你让你的男颜老顽童给你打电话到 the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)问。
    • 铲起一铲子雪之后,抛出去的高度及距离多少合适呢?(哇,科学真是科学,不服不行了。)
      What is the recommended throw height and distance?

      Throw height should not exceed 1.3 meters
      (approximately 4 feet). The optimal throw
      distance should be no further than 1 meter
      (approximately 3 feet). The load should be
      reduced if the task requires a longer and/or higher throw.
      • #9877306@0
    • 其实都不用,平常多跑步,练练哑铃或杠铃,铲雪是小意思。。。雪大时要用铲雪机,慢慢铲,别着急。。。
      • 为啥这么严谨?因为因为铲雪而心脏病突发的事情越来越频繁了。华人同学本来平时就不那么爱运动,所以铲雪更需要注意。
        The good news is that 15 minutes of light snow shoveling counts
        as moderate physical activity (ACSM, 2005). We should all aim
        for at least 30 minutes of daily moderate physical activity of some
        The bad news is that researchers have reported an increase in
        the number of fatal heart attacks among individuals shoveling
        snow following heavy snowfalls. This rise may be due to the
        sudden demand that shoveling places on an individual's heart by
        causing a quick increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
        Who should
        • 参加小北的跑跑队...可解
          • 二黑说:很无聊。我们女生一下子就不敢去了。LOOOOOOOOOO,将责任推到二黑身上。哈。
            • 现在多跑群已经被女生占领了 男同学插不上话
              • 所以,你改游泳与骑车了?二黑肯定有内部消息,知道你们男生失去了阵地。
                • 没改 是加 确实这两项目前群骑群游基本都是男同学 挖掘一下内心的断臂山
                  • 为啥不练柔道或者击剑?
                    • 不够柔
            • 你不信北哥呢信二黑?
              • 有啥办法,从昨儿开始,只能被迫对二黑另眼相看,因为居然儒雅的多才多艺的方先生爆料:他一直是二黑的粉丝。我只能信二黑了。如果小北哥有重量级粉丝,我再看要不要重新相信他。哈。
                • 重色轻友。。。LOL。。。可怜的小北就这么被抛弃了!
                  • 新的一年嘛
    • 丫头, 真认真啊~~~
    • 老人,病人,懒人~~~
    • 心,脑,血管,关节...有问题的,千万不要以身试险,否则随时小命不保。很多看上去高大魁梧玉树临风的都躲家里不能出来铲雪的,确实是有原因,不能强求