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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 关于返佣:买房经济口头答应给返佣。请问这条应该写在合同里吗?是要求返支票还是现金?
    • up.
    • 口头答应的,95%都被风吹走了!———— 必须"白纸黑字写下来"! +1
      • 据说写下来是违反行业规定的,人家会冒着吊销执照风险?怀疑 +1
        • 俺十年前买第二个房子的时候, 就是白纸黑字写下来, 我只给她二千,不写下来,啥都是没影的事,必须写下来。。。 +1
        • 这么说的都是在找借口 +1
          • 应该立马换掉。
          • 这么说的,都是在骗你————准备吃你个够!
        • JJ局都叫消费者要他们的JJ——白纸黑字写下来!
        • 返佣违反行业规定?这是忽悠啊,看看OREA网站强调commission is negotiable and shows what a REALTOR can do for you.https://www.orea.com/Buyers-and-Sellers/Buying-and-Selling-FAQs/What-does-a-REALTOR-do-for-me
          Barbara Sukkau, president of the Ontario Real Estate Association, talks about how signing the Buyer Representation Agreement can help protect the biggest purchase of your life. Sukkau highlights that your REALTORS® commission is negotiable and shows what a REALTOR® can do for you.
    • 谢谢二位,是要现金还是支票?
      • 只要白纸黑字了,什么都可以。 +1
        • 也可以把返佣直接写进合同!———— 立即结算,资金(返佣)在途时间为O!
          • 这个好为什么要反用呀太麻烦直接在合同减去不就行了吗?
            • 把购买房屋的价格减去佣金下个offer.不就行了吗?我看好多人都是这么做的。立即生效。
              • 但是,好像不好操作于condo,因为condo的卖方是难缠的builder。。。
                • 这里不都是买house的, condo 能买几套? 买的多干脆考个经济证得了。
    • Topic: [英语学习]:大家常常提到的要JJ"白纸黑字写下来"的英语怎么说?这么说: Ask your agent to put his/her commitment in ink! - rolia.net +1
      • 此表达也是JJ局的"红头文件"(官网的旗帜广告)。请看新的链接: +1
    • ! !! +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛+1 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 【英语学习】:大家常常提到的要JJ"白纸黑字写下来"的英语怎么说?这么说: Ask your agent to put his/her commitment in ink! -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 20:40 (#8932177@0) reply
      【in ink】:"白纸黑字地(写下来)"。 -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 20:42 (#8932179@0) +1 reply
      People normally say "put it down in black and white". -jiage(北伐先锋); 2014-8-14 20:48 (#8932200@0) +1 reply
      Since blue and brown pens are already accepted in the court as well as black ones, I write both. -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 20:56 (#8932215@0) +1 reply
      And request for his/her signature in front of you!当面签字以免有诈 ! -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 20:43 (#8932185@0) +1 reply
      据说有一种特殊的墨水,过段时间字就消失,合同成了白纸 -alaabracadabra(AlaAbracadabra); 2014-8-14 20:49 (#8932205@0) +1 reply
      Nothing says commitment like ink!指天发誓都没有白纸黑字写下来管用! -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 20:44 (#8932187@0) +1 reply
      Put it in writing, how does this sound? -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 2014-8-14 21:08 (#8932237@0) +1 reply
      Not enough. -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 21:23 (#8932263@0) +1 reply
      I would agree with EB. -meisuowei(混混); 2014-8-14 21:25 (#8932269@0) +1 reply
      Jesus, I almost mistook it for "ED" -errands_boy(Errands Boy); 2014-8-14 21:28 (#8932273@0) +1 reply
      'Ask him to put his commitment in writing.' is fine. But 'in writing' is opposite to "by mouth; orally' , which presents the tone not so strong as "in ink" or "writing black-and-white" . -softface(探长); 2014-8-14 21:44 (#8932291@0) +1 reply
      "in writing" is an everyday expression in general, which means the acting of this phrase could be done in any way and with any writing instrument, like a pen, a pencil or even a lip stick. -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 15:30 (#8942577@0) +1 reply
      But "in ink" conveys much more than "in writing" in meaning, especially in regard to the tool the writer will apply -- a pen that uses ink instead of any other writing tools like a pencil or a crayon or even a lipstick which do not use ink in them. -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 15:38 (#8942595@0) +1 reply
      "in ink" is similarly the same as the Chinese saying “签字画押(set one's hand and seal to something)” , “盖章签字(affix one's seal and signature)” and “摁手印(put one's thumbprint to a document)”. -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 15:25 (#8942611@0) +1 reply
      Besides, “ink” can be used in informal English as a verb in “to ink a contract” which means “to sign a contract”. e.g. Meisuowei(混混姐)has just inked a big deal ! -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 19:57 (#8942617@0) +1 reply
      +1 此表达也是JJ局的"红头文件"(官网的旗帜广告)。请看链接: -softface(探长); 2014-8-18 09:29 (#8937472@0) reply
      官网广告文字:Ask your Realtor to put their commitment in INK!“I will find your dream home.” Nothing says commitment like ink. Ask them to sign a B.R.A. -softface(探长); 2014-8-18 13:53 (#8937882@0) +1 reply
      探长颇为欣赏JJ局高超的"春秋笔法"——既非常巧妙地教授消费者如何对付日益增多的先是承诺返佣后又耍无赖的JJ,又让JJ们无话可说。 -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 16:00 (#8937887@0) +1 reply
      这种 innuendo【说东指西】是英语修辞(Rhetoric)中极为高超的一种技巧。 -softface(探长); 8.18 13:58 (#8937895@0) -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 16:04 (#8942682@0) +1 reply
      【明修栈道暗度陈仓】这个成语,可以很贴切地形容这种手法。 -softface(探长); 2014-8-22 11:56 (#8944317@0) +1 reply
      原先的版本:Ask your Realtor to put their commitment in INK!“I will find your dream home....” And request for his/her signature in front of you!Nothing says commitment like ink. -softface(探长); 2014-8-21 16:04 (#8942672@0) +1 reply
      这贴子了除了一个SOFTFACE外,只有一人捧场啊! -vwkiller(killer); 2014-8-23 22:20 (#8946363@0) +1 reply
      会数数麽?1.jiage (#8932200@0);2.alaabracadabra (#8932205@0);3. errands_boy (#8932237@0);4.meisuowei (#8932269@0);5.vwkiller(#8946363@0) -softface(探长); 2014-8-23 22:32 (#8946372@0) +1 reply
      此表达也是JJ局的"红头文件"(官网的旗帜广告)。请看新的链接: -softerface(探长); 5-5 00:55 (#9424941@0) +1 reply
      不错。 -geekcode(文心雕码); 2014-8-23 23:39 (#8946454@0) +1 reply
      I admire your achievements in IT and your linguistic intuition in English. -facade(探长); 2014-8-24 23:56 (#8947391@0) +1 reply
      in writing -blanc(勃朗峰); 2014-8-25 01:56 (#8947427@0) +1 reply
      +1 用铅笔写下来也是 in writing 耶,但是很容易被擦掉的啊!所以啊,还是 in ink 来得严实。 -softerface(探长); 2014-9-15 15:40 (#8987876@0) +1 reply
      那谁,你倒是看看你自己说的话:(#8840571@0) (#8841804@0) ;我来外语坛不是为了学英语,而是纯粹为了打假,顺便帮人回答点问题。 -onlook(且放白鹿青崖间); 11:51 (#8841867@0) -softerface(探长); 2014-8-28 15:41 (#8955503@0) +1 reply
      发PM的几位,看这里。俺就不一一回复了。 -softerface(探长); 2014-10-8 10:04 (#9030942@0) +1 reply
      顶起来! -softerface(探长); 13:12 (#9383988@0) +1 reply
      关于返佣:买房经济口头答应给返佣。请问这条应该写在合同里吗?是要求返支票还是现金? -bestbestlife(平安); 12:52 (#9476151@0) -softerface(探长); 13:12 (#9476252@0) +1 reply
      bestbestlife(平安),看过来! -softerface(探长); 13:13 (#9476256@0) +1 reply
      当然是写进合同的好! -softerface(探长); 13:13 (#9476259@0) +1 reply更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写进购房合同没有必要 除非大家都同意反佣是用来抵消一部分房价 但这样很麻烦还要把卖家也扯进来 所以最好的办法是在购房合同之外 再和你经纪签个反佣合同 探长之前贴过好几次这个范本 自己去搜搜
      • 能麻烦给个范本的连接。谢谢
        • 这个是我用过的一个版本:This real estate commission rebate agreement is made on xxx between xxx ("Buyer") and xxx ("Agent").
          The Agent agreed to rebate the Buyer xxx% of the final purchase price of the property located at xxx within xxx business days upon closing of the purchase in the form of a certified cheque or cash. The agent acknowledges that he or she will be responsible for paying HST on this rebate (if any).
          • 哇!厉害!给 rebate 还要支付 HST !
            • 之前不是有人说比如经纪答应返1% 但最后拿到手里比1%少原因是经纪扣除了HST 所以这个条款是防止HST被扣 具体要看经纪同不同意了
              • 您被经纪忽悠了!所有的佣金点数百分比,都是佣金的净值,HST是额外相应增加的 13% 的!
                • 那是否就是说那个HST的条款没必要?
                • 请问包括Condo吗?谢谢
    • 我的经纪也说过给返佣的,不知道还给不给了,没大指望过
      • 希望JJ不要因为您的善良而耍赖欺负您。