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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

在曼哈顿最贵的街区有这么一个宅子, 怎么也不算“相对”了吧。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 哪位能给我讲讲church的神父主教们的经济来源吗?一直以为他们会过着相对清贫的生活,服务教众。但好像我理解有误,看这报道,美国的主教们非常富有,而且生活的也很奢侈。
    • 天主教吧
    • 这些产业应该是教区Archdiocese的共有财产,不是神职人员的个人财产。教友出于对主教(很多年迈了,起居需要修女照顾)的爱戴和尊重让他们住的安静宽敞一些可以理解。不一定是追求豪华或道德堕落吧。
      • 真这样,新教皇也不会急眼了.百万豪宅现在都不是事了.The Bishop of Bling" spent $43 million to remodel his opulent pad. Clearly, "lifestyles of the rich and religious" doesn't cut it for Pope Francis.The pontiff has said it "breaks my heart"
        He's blasted "airport bishops" who spend more time jet-setting than tending to their flocks. And he's warned against church leaders who bear the "psychology of princes." The Vatican fired one such "prince" last year: German Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst -- aka "The Bishop of Bling" -- who spent $43 million to remodel his opulent pad.
    • 摩门教的就不用说了,财富集中。。。
      • 老猫最熟悉摩门。应该不是你说的那么简单
        • ?
    • 3、5年前不是曝光了 Mississauga 的神父(牧师)把教会的钱据为己有买豪宅给几个儿子每人买跑车?
      • 追求生活的舒适奢华并非什么错。只是别挂着羊头卖狗肉忽悠教众就成。
    • 主教们没老婆没家庭,千辛万苦才爬到这个位置,稍微奢侈点算什么?倒是某些新教的牧师,不像主教们有一级级领导管着,都是自立一个山头,忽悠能力强的几万教众的奉献都归其支配,那是可比释永信的。
    • 给神打工比给人打公富有很正常啊,不要用佛教的思维来套用基督教,基督教从来没有要求人要戒欲
      • 那新教皇的break my heart是为了啥?
        • 政治姿态而已
    • 是相对清贫吧,应该把旁边的房子们也照一下,估计相片里的多数就不算豪了。
      • 在曼哈顿最贵的街区有这么一个宅子, 怎么也不算“相对”了吧。
        • 这个豪我同意。别的不一定在当地就算豪了。教廷的主教过得不好的话,教民们一看,信奉主没什么好处吗,受苦受累的,所以多数人不愿当和尚,就是没肉吃没酒喝。
    • 凡事要从两方面看问题,找到一篇天主教方面的文章来回复这个43M的retirement house的问题。看着有些意思。想起来老同志为革命贡献这么多年........也希望大家对照CNN的allegation来解读一下。

      答:He’s got to live somewhere!

      Archbishop Myers, after a lifetime of service to the Church, owns no personal property. Upon his retirement, he will move from the cathedral to a private home which will be provided for his use. The Archdiocese will retain ownership of the property, which may be sold in the future, should needs change.

      The archbishop currently lives in the cathedral rectory with four other priests; and it seems likely that this new residence will also have more than one tenant, although no plans have been announced as yet.
      In addition to private quarters, there is a need for space for meetings, social gatherings, and archdiocesan and other church functions. Archbishop Myers holds a number of posts within the Church, and he expects to remain active in these and other positions. For example, he serves on the board of the Catholic University of America (CUA); and as a canon lawyer, he serves on the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts., an advisory board to the Holy Father on matters of canon law.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net