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oh,以前起夜一次, 4-5AM喂, (night sleep 8.30 pm ~8am, 1 feed 6 oz bottle between, then right back to sleep again)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛night feeding,, don't talk or smile to baby, just quiet feed, 灯弄得很暗. Once daddy feed her, light is so bright, end up she widely awake.

我是PUMP MILK 加FORMULA,量好控制. 可是这几天小家伙突然连早上4,5点都不醒了,醒是醒了,可是又自己睡了. I didn;t bother to wake her up, but she eat more daytime, it is about 7oz x 4 times=28 ozs per day, every four hours, more or less, she eat terrible last feeding around 8:30pm, once she ate 9 oz. OMG!

so nap is when she awake for 2 hrs then send her to crib, this age baby only can handle 2 hr awake, if over 2 hrs, they will be over tired, then hard to sleep. when is about 2 hrs, read her tired signs, yawns, pull ears, lost interest on toy, turn head away, ache back, become quiet.

So her nap is morning about 1.5~2 hrs, she maybe wake up around 45 mins, but fussy for 10 mins then go to deep sleep, afternoon nap is 1~1.5 hrs, then evening around 6pm is 30mins~45mins, they call it power nap. If baby take cat naps, 30 mins here and there, try to get her longer nap by leave her alone(a little whinning or cry is ok) , if you still worry about her, go in and check her, but no talk, pat her a little.

Hope it helps.


Maybe I am those lucky ones, baby eat and sleep a lot.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 关于婴儿午觉的一点建议(how to take nap)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My baby girl is 4.5 month now, she can sleep roughly 11 hours at night, daytime naps about 4 hours. 这都要感谢我读的那些书,我们第一个完全照书养,it works! what books I read are 1) Baby Whisper 2) Health sleep habits, happy baby. 受益非浅。

    Once your baby is 4 month old, you should start creat a routine for him/her, it will benifit both family and baby. at this age of baby, I mean from3~6 months, total sleep hours should be 14-16 hrs, so night time sleep is 11-12 hrs, naps 3-4 hours, 3 or 4 naps a day, one is in the morning, one is the afternoon, another power nap in evening about 30-45 mins.

    看到一个姐妹问关于NAP的问题,说睡30分中就醒,it is normal, coz human s sleep circle is 45 mins, 过了45分钟才进入下一个深睡阶段,所以她的宝宝还根本没进入deep sleep then wake up, if you resure your baby at this time, actually you ruined her nap, 遇到这种情况,给她15分钟fussy的时间,to see if she sooth herself to sleep,书上说午睡超过一个小时的才算, 不要看宝宝哭就马上去救她,actually she might be on the way to another sleep circle, so wait!! Baby normally can't put themselves to sleep, you need to train her, 即使以后孩子去了daycare,会自己睡的,会少遭不少罪。 当然我是说宝宝超过3个月的,才开始慢慢训练,因为when baby hit 4 months old, their sleep pattern more like adult (us), so sleep training the earlier the easier, if you wait until 6 months old, it is harder. 我没怎么让宝宝哭,就是小哭,突然有一天我发现,我放下她,人家小姐自己fussy几分钟,睡了,哈哈。

    晚上也一样,你知道她不饿,不湿,哭个几分钟没事,自己就睡了,一定要坚持,久了她就知道,哦,这是睡觉时间,妈妈不会来抱的。不过要注意听宝宝的哭声,时间久了,你可以分辨什么是 hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable.

    有一点要注意,坚持坚持再坚持,不要放弃,一两周时间久应该差不多了。 我个人认为,不能让宝宝随心所欲,要慢慢引导她。当然,每人养孩子方法不同,有老人在的,可能得听老人的了。more nature way, let baby lead. For me, it is parents lead baby. 每次看到宝宝醒来,很高心的笑,我就觉得我没做错哦。 Babies lack of sleep are very cranky and hard to please, 她们甚至玩的时候也不能集中精力。 if baby sleep enough, they will show their sweet personality!! So do the maths, trust your sense, 看看她一天睡了多少了小时。每天schedule doesn't have to be same, 但是基本差不多。宝宝高新,妈妈高兴。

    记住,3个月之前too young too train, after 3 months old, when babies start to develop their own sleep pattern.

    妈妈们带孩子很辛苦,大家一起努力吧。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 真好,学习了!自从看了你的帖子,我自己也受益。 我现在每天睡觉也跟婴儿一样
      • 嘿嘿,妈妈为什么哭呀,是不是也要换DIPER :-D 忘了提醒拉黑窗帘的事,孩子睡得时候最好拉黑窗帘,睡眠时间质量大大提高
        • 他是爸爸,他逗你玩呢
    • 能解释一下night time sleep is 11-12 hrs吗?你们的宝宝可以一气睡那么久,中间不醒吗?另外宝宝的睡眠很固定吗?会不会一天好一天不好?
      • 我家的从很小就开始7点睡到第二天6点半。需要慢慢的训练,小的时候中途会醒来喝两次奶,后来慢慢减少,之后再减少。你要自己把握分寸。到了一个阶段,她会主动推开你表示她不要喝她要睡觉。基本上没有什么病或者不舒服,都可以睡踏实一整觉
        • 你家宝宝真好。
          • 这个真的要慢慢训练的,我们大概也是从3个月左右开始,她的 schedule 换过几次的,现在这个时间表比较好,醒来后吃完早餐就可以去 daycare,白天会再睡一个多小时,基本上就是足量的睡眠时间。周末白天会多睡一点
      • oh,以前起夜一次, 4-5AM喂, (night sleep 8.30 pm ~8am, 1 feed 6 oz bottle between, then right back to sleep again)
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛night feeding,, don't talk or smile to baby, just quiet feed, 灯弄得很暗. Once daddy feed her, light is so bright, end up she widely awake.

        我是PUMP MILK 加FORMULA,量好控制. 可是这几天小家伙突然连早上4,5点都不醒了,醒是醒了,可是又自己睡了. I didn;t bother to wake her up, but she eat more daytime, it is about 7oz x 4 times=28 ozs per day, every four hours, more or less, she eat terrible last feeding around 8:30pm, once she ate 9 oz. OMG!

        so nap is when she awake for 2 hrs then send her to crib, this age baby only can handle 2 hr awake, if over 2 hrs, they will be over tired, then hard to sleep. when is about 2 hrs, read her tired signs, yawns, pull ears, lost interest on toy, turn head away, ache back, become quiet.

        So her nap is morning about 1.5~2 hrs, she maybe wake up around 45 mins, but fussy for 10 mins then go to deep sleep, afternoon nap is 1~1.5 hrs, then evening around 6pm is 30mins~45mins, they call it power nap. If baby take cat naps, 30 mins here and there, try to get her longer nap by leave her alone(a little whinning or cry is ok) , if you still worry about her, go in and check her, but no talk, pat her a little.

        Hope it helps.


        Maybe I am those lucky ones, baby eat and sleep a lot.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 小女应该属于饭量小的。她是混合喂养,但我估计一天不超过500,已经4个多月。她几乎不nap,白天也是睡长觉,一般3~4小时。但是晚上没谱,有时连续睡6个小时,在早晨3点多醒,喂后再睡2~3小时,有时连续睡8个多小时,总之没谱。
      • 会一天好一天不好, 可是平均水平差不多,孩子 猫一天狗一天的,可是我发现如果她缺觉, 会满脸不高兴,很难取悦的. 如果她高高兴兴的,说明不缺觉. 睡眠对孩子大脑发育很重要.

      • 是这样的,12小时睡眠不是传说。而且宝宝白天NAP的好,晚上的睡眠也会更好。
        • 哦,我还以为12小时睡眠是当中也不吃呢.照这么看,我家宝宝当初真是天使宝宝了.从来没有半夜起来玩的.晚上有时吃一次奶,有时两次,母乳喂的,我迷糊的喂,孩子迷糊着吃.吃完继续睡.晚上基本没有哭过.
          • 从来也没训练过. 也都是顺其自然.白天的nap的时间也都很固定. 后来长大些了,从白天3个nap到2个,到现在两岁多了,一个nap.
    • 我不觉得sleep training是正确的,小宝宝本就不具备自己入睡的能力,就是要大人帮助的,强迫他们做自己能力之外的事我觉得很残忍,而且让他们没有安全感,而安全感对小宝宝是非常重要的,没有安全感会影响他们智力和身体发育
      个人认为写sleep training的都是比较旧的育儿方法,这个training曾经一度流行。
      • 关三小时,四小时程序那些,西尔斯和美儿科协会说的是,watch you baby, not clock!
      • 我觉得这个不是正确于否的问题,是妈妈的选择。不介意宝宝夜里醒的妈妈可以一直起来哄,觉得增强母子关系;需要睡眠的妈妈可以train,觉得宝宝睡眠好身体好。如果有绝对论据证明一个好于另一个,估计就不会一直有争议了。
        我是支持sleep training的,而且经验是从4个月开始,越早越容易。现在每天早上要跟小人斗智斗勇的抓紧时间刷牙洗脸吃饭整进daycare里去后都会喘口气,庆幸幸好我夜里不用跟她斗,我们都至少能睡个好觉 :)
        • 每个妈妈都会选择正确的,或者自认为正确的。没有人会不介意宝宝醒,也不会一直起来哄,妈妈们也都需要睡眠。我已经不记得我宝是几个月晚上就不用哄了,我想每个宝宝都有自己的时间表,时间到了,她会自然过渡到下一个成长阶段,这个应该算是够绝对了吧:)
          • 哈,好久不见了!
    • 宝宝惊醒
      • 我们家宝宝也非常惊醒。还非得含着奶嘴睡,奶嘴一掉就醒了。
      • 仰着睡会惊醒,趴着睡就没有这个问题了。
        • 9个半月从来没有趴着睡,出生后让她趴,不愿意
    • 借贴问问自己带两个孩子的妈妈们,怎么同时把2个哄睡着的。我家的都没有sleep training 过,这会受罪啦。两个轮流吵醒对方,本来累的不行了,互相一逗又精神了,谁也睡不好。头疼死了