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And the Buddha says...

Thinking is the sum of brain (not spine/knee) activities -- the vast majority being free-formed, random, and casual.

思想 is the thinking that sustains.

哲学 is categorized/disciplined thinking -- it typically includes exploration, extraction, and interpretation.

宗教 is walking corp of 哲学 -- when a 哲学 runs out of steam and refuses to grow, it becomes a 宗教. In a 宗教, exploration dooms, although interpretation remains.

Note: Buddhism and Taoism alike are not religions -- rather, they are half philosophy, and half life styles.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 什么是思想,什么是哲学,什么是宗教?
    • 写的非常好。为什么没有上精化? 我替LZ抱一下不平。 -smilingfacehao(小雨妈); 07:46 (#6782223@0) reply more
    • 有点沾边但似是而非。哲学是验证思维的科学,哲学与思想显著的区别在于哲学没有批判,而思想具有排他性。哲学与宗教无关,而思想却与宗教紧密相连。世人称儒家为儒教,道家为道教,耶稣的思想为上帝的旨意等就是证明,总之,还是我的那个观点#6782221@0。。。
      • define "思想" - to me, it is the sum of all what human brain can think of...
        • You've made Thinking's definition already。。。
          • and isn't 思想 the sum of thinking?
            • 思想=\=the sum of thinking, 思想 equals valid thinking, sh*t thinking is not part of 思想。。。
              • that's a contradictory thinking in itself.. who defines "valid" ? will that validation process part of 思想 ?
                • “will that validation process part of 思想“ Good question! Actually, the validation process is not part of 思想 but part of Philosophy。。。:)
                  • Very right! It is the difference of 思想 and 哲学
            • 思想要具备完整的体系, 无论这个体系是否有缺陷.
      • 大师的这番话令人刮目相看。且不论是非,但求有自己的观点和见解。赞一个。
        • 谢赞。。。
      • 有水平.
    • And the Buddha says...
      Thinking is the sum of brain (not spine/knee) activities -- the vast majority being free-formed, random, and casual.

      思想 is the thinking that sustains.

      哲学 is categorized/disciplined thinking -- it typically includes exploration, extraction, and interpretation.

      宗教 is walking corp of 哲学 -- when a 哲学 runs out of steam and refuses to grow, it becomes a 宗教. In a 宗教, exploration dooms, although interpretation remains.

      Note: Buddhism and Taoism alike are not religions -- rather, they are half philosophy, and half life styles.
      • a free-formed, random, and casual thinking is not 思想的一个组成成部分? 思想一定要流长? 错! 思想就是你,我,古人脑子里想的。有对的思想,有错的思想,有一闪而过的思想,有哲学思想,有宗教思想。我有思想,你有思想,所有人都有思想,我的猫也有思想。
        • 一直想问,你家有几口猫,房龄几何,思想境界如何?:))))))
        • 老猫你所说误导人了,when you identify yourself with thoughts, thinking, you identify yourself with ego, the false "self", different thoughts bring about different egos, you vs me, them vs us, etc, 那麽什麽是真正的"我"呢,提示你下,观察你的猫
          • 并非误导,这世间,没有了自我,也就没有了一切。
            • 你答的跟我和你讨论的的"思想就是你"不搭边
    • 论思想,我以为首先要明确是在什么意义或什么层次上来理解。比如,如果是在思维层上来理解,就是所思所想,是脑心合一的一种思维状态。如果是从理论体系来理解,思想必须要有两个功能才可以称之为思想:一是当思想形成体系后必须被广泛地所知,或所用。第二是

      从你提出的TOPIC来看,是在理论体系层次上来论及‘思想’的。这两层意义之差别还不是能用:THINKING 和 THOUGHT所能表达清楚的。
      • 如果这个“思想”指的是毛泽东“思想”那样的“思想”,咱们说的不是一回事。人的思想,在我贴里,指的是人的所思所想。
        • 原来是这样,那就简单多了。本人以为初步答案:思想----所思所想。哲学-----无(国)人所学。宗教----无罪之教。
    • 太提纲挈领了.有待深化.
    • 就所覆盖的范围而言,思想 > 哲学 > 宗教,后者只是前者的一个子集。哲学的内核本身也是一种类似宗教的情结,比如某哲学体系的创建者肯定是深信某种理论体系/规律的存在,才不遗余力的去折腾,这种信念就如同宗教信仰一样....