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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Title:Why people nowadays never know how to think???
I have visited and read this 戀愛熱線 section for quite a while. I'm glad that I can read so many different kinds and types of story about 戀愛, written from people around the world, and I learned alot how people nowadays think about 戀愛...I'm really thankful 版主 to support this site, so we can express or share our love story. Thank you!

However, at the mean time, I also disappointed about people nowadays who never care, think or respect about the meaning of love;

Some people would like to find a partner and have a short term relationship. They don't have or need any emotion or communication involved. Just have the physical needs, or maybe just went out together, show off to some friends, or fooling around for a little while, then breakup; they don't feel sad, or care what other person feelings or whatever, then look for the next one; but the sad thing is, they DO call that as a "relationship".

On the other hand, some people have a long term relationship, or maybe they already get married. However, they would still think it's not enough, and cheated to their girlfriend/boyfriend, or maybe 包二奶. They never reject the attraction or 誘惑; or in the other word, they don't have any brains to think. They just all do with their instincts like animats. High intelligent species (human) act like a wild animal in a forest. Therefore, while the other half found out and breakup, or get divorced with them...then they lose everything.

Furthermore, with a different angle, the other halfs who find out their boyfriend/girlfriend, or their wives, or husbands were cheating to them. Sometimes they can still let them do it, or pretend they didn't know about it, or maybe forgive them; In one sense, yes, while people are in love, they should forgive if the other half made mistakes; however, in fact, if they can do it once, they can do it again...and for sure, they WILL do it again sooner or later, and even smarter. So for the people who forgive their cheating partners, they would just live in an unsafe relationship and get painful and sadness for the rest of their lifes.

Not only on top of that, some people have a normal relationship (no cheating, no one night stand, no short term), but they never 珍惜 what they have, or being the time together. They would request so MANY things for other half to satisfy themselves, but they don't even think themselves to make the other half happy. Such as virginity, "doesn't care me all the time", "doesn't do what I say", "doesn't help me to do this, do that", "doesn't spend enough time to me", "doesn't focus at me", blah, blah, blah...then while they breakup, or other person take over their spots, then they regret, they upset, ...

The reason why I write this is because I want people who can think about themselves, about what stupid things they had done, about how they treated to their other halfs, and please, don't do stupid things anymore, and last 珍惜 what you have today.


xCanadian - the last human on earth

xCanadian 修改於 07/19/2002 05:32


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