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【分享】US Shipping Address


自从迷上了户外活动后,装备的采购、更新也列入日程,虽然俺不是器材派。加拿大这边MEC的商品、服务、价格还是不错的,但很少减价销售,反正我看上的几件东东都从不减价,而美国的几家户外店经常有打折销售,有时网购还免邮费。每次看到REI.COM 的商品特价销售时,都心里痒痒的,多伦多这里不像温哥华的朋友们那么方便可以订货后开车过境去美国取,离多伦多最近的REI的店在底特律那边,往返要800公里,到店里取货根本不现实。

以前我曾经在REI网上订货后邮寄到多伦多,邮费大概$30美刀,加拿大邮政局要代收custom charges ($35多加元),还要收$5的手续费,算下来,REI的折扣就没享受多少了。


前几个月,猛google 了一下,发现了有几家美国公司专门提供US Shipping Address 的服务,看了网上的测评、反馈,我最后确定试试这两家的服务:

US Address:




我后来分几次在REI订购了背包、滑雪板、滑雪靴、衣服等物品,直接SHIPPING 到US Address Inc 的地址,随时在网上track UPS # , 看到“delivered”就可以去大瀑布那边取货了。

每次是从Lewiston 出关、进关。
该公司不管重量每个PKG 都是手续US$5



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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 【分享】US Shipping Address
    • If you use UPS, then no need for a shipping address: find a UPS stuffed store (i.e., with people) in the city you go, tell the shop to ship to this UPS store; Instruct UPS to "hold for pickup"; Go there and get it. FREE.
      UPS will hold it for you for at least 5 bus. days. After that you pay a small fee.

      Of course, we need to consider the shipping fee and the address-service together. In my cases, the shipping is always "free", using UPS.

      In the ship-to address, just type one more line: Hold for Pickup. They'll then store it for you.

      You can also change the ship-to address to another store if you later decide to go somewhere else and again, free.

      This is what I did when I order online, and when I need to travel to US on vacation.

      There're the same free holding service available from any of the couriers (like Fedex). Just make sure the store is open when you get there.
      • Thanks. 我主要是在REI 网购,如果寄到加拿大,他们都是使用Canada Post. 没别的选择。
    • 谢谢LZ分享. 不过跑那么远去取, 浪费很多的时间哦. 现在油价也贵, 是不是邮寄更合算呢?
      • 俺在订货时肯定要考虑到物品的价格、汇率成本、人工成本、车耗成本,以及自己的需求,如果不划算的话,就不会舍近求远了。
      • 有没有公司,提供美国的shipping地址,然后寄到加拿大?GST PST可以代收或向加拿大邮政支付?
        • myus.com
          • thanks.
    • I will use this service in the future as so many stuff in ebay are free shipping in US only. The US address (to pickup) will definitely worth the headache of driving and border cross.
    • "比如单反相机等要慎重". 如何慎重?要交关税, GST, PST?
    • mark
    • try myus.com, you get a us address for shopping and the company will ship your goods to canada. checked the rate and seems to be cheaper than picking up personally.