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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


The following are bonafide requirements for all Telecare Crisis line volunteer positions:

Applicant must be 21 years of age
Legally able to volunteer in Canada
Agreement to complete the police verification form given by Telecare Distress Centre or submission of a recent Police Records Check form from a volunteer organization (within 6 months of validity period)
Volunteer Commitment: minimum of 12 volunteer hours every month for 1 year totaling 144 volunteer hours after training has been completed
Agreement to attend 50 hours of Training (mandatory for ALL volunteers)
Payment of a refundable $50 training fee on the first day of training
Agreement to sign the confidentiality agreement
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 電話求助熱線招募華語義工 提供紓壓輔導心理服務
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【明報專訊】位於賓頓市﹐擁有超過30年歷史的非牟利熱線服務中心(Telecare Distress Centre)﹐於今年4月23日首次開設華語熱線416-920-0497,成為全安省唯一一間擁有華語熱線的電話求助中心。目前,該中心正向社會招募熱線義工,希望能擴大服務範圍,讓更多華裔人士受益。








    若想了解有關招募義工詳細資料,可致電905-459-8439,內線4查詢。也可通過瀏覽網站www.telecaredistresscentre.org了解有關情況。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好,支持
    • I would prefer Rolian can discuss more on how to volunteer to help our own community, rather than blaming everyone else. It is time to act rather than just pointing finger.
    • goog. I want to join the organization as a volunteer.
    • 谢谢分享
      • Hope I can see a lot of you in their training course.
        • I will call them to compare my schedule. I do have great interesting in this kind of service. We may need more and more people involved into this program.
    • 支持。有个问题,报名的人是不是先要进行心理测试。十年前我在美国一个心理医生诊所打过工,那个医生白天上班见多了各种病人,结果一下班我们这些打工的倒成了他的心理医生,他的抱怨那个多啊。
      • that would be interesting, do you charge him? he should at least buy you a beer.
      • requirements
        The following are bonafide requirements for all Telecare Crisis line volunteer positions:

        Applicant must be 21 years of age
        Legally able to volunteer in Canada
        Agreement to complete the police verification form given by Telecare Distress Centre or submission of a recent Police Records Check form from a volunteer organization (within 6 months of validity period)
        Volunteer Commitment: minimum of 12 volunteer hours every month for 1 year totaling 144 volunteer hours after training has been completed
        Agreement to attend 50 hours of Training (mandatory for ALL volunteers)
        Payment of a refundable $50 training fee on the first day of training
        Agreement to sign the confidentiality agreement
      • 每个心理医师都必须有自己的心理辅导员,负责监控他的心理健康。心理医师就像一个垃圾桶,每天接受的都是病态的负面的心理诱导。心理辅导员不需要深入病人的内心世界探究,只要本着人文的关怀帮助需要的群体就可以了。
        • learn something everyday, poor garbage collector!
    • 支持