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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.ou.edu/oupd/choke.htm

Conscious Infant (under 1 year old)
4 Back Blows and 4 Chest Thrusts

To dislodge an object in the airway of an infant:

-Supporting the head and neck with one hand, straddle infant face down, head lower than trunk, over your forearm, supported on your thigh.

-Deliver four back blows, forcefully, with the heel of the hand between the infant's shoulder blades.

-Immediately, while supporting the head, sandwich the infant between your hands and turn onto its back, head lower than trunk, Using 2 fingers, deliver four thrusts in the sternal region.

-Repeat both back blows and chest thrusts until foreign body is expelled or the infant becomes unconscious.

Finger position for chest thrusts: Depress the sternum 1/2 to 1 inch for each thrust. Avoid the tip of the sternum.

Alternate method: Lay the infant face down on your lap, head lower than trunk, and firmly supported. Perform 4 back blows, turn infant as a unit to the supine position, and perform 4 chest thrusts.

Unconscious Infant:
-call for help, or if others respond, call 911
-Perform tongue-jaw lift. If foreign body is visualized, remove it.
-Open the airway (head-tilt/chin-lift), and attempt rescue breathing.
-Perform 4 back blows, then 4 chest thrusts.
-If foreign body is not removed, persist with this sequence:

attempt to visualize,

attempt rescue breathing,

give back blows,

give chest thrusts until successful.

-If foreign body is removed and victim is not breathing, begin the ABC's of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation):

AIRWAY -open the airway;
BREATHING -if still no breaths, attempt rescue breathing.
CIRCULATION -if no pulse, perform chest compressions.

-When successful, have victim examined by physician as soon as possible.

Conscious Child (over 1 year old)
To dislodge an object from the airway of a child:
-Perform subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) as described for adults.

Unconscious Child
If the child becomes unconscious:
-Contimue as for an adult, except

Instead, perform a tongue-jaw lift and remove foreign body ONLY IF VISUALIZED.

Note: Abdominal thrusts are not recommended in infants. Blind finger sweeps should not be performed on infants or small children.

Any victim on whom you begin first aid for choking or cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be considered to be in need of advanced life support.

You can reach the Emergency Medical Services network on or off campus in Norman by dialing 911.

In other U.S. communities where 911 phone service is not available be sure to make a list of emergency phone numbers for various emergency services. Many other countries have national emergency numbers (similar to the U.S. 911 system). Check with local officials or the U.S. State Department to determine special emergency numbers you need to know when travelling.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 由那个吃鸡蛋小孩噎着引起的一些想法,safety first
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我上班的公司对safety的管理简直到了一种强迫症的地步,尽管我对其中的一些官样文章有些反感,可是还是很认同安全重在预防的观点。



    家里如果有比较高的柜子,最好都钉在墙上,而且要钉在梁上。这个说起来我还后怕,我家有个ikea的鞋柜,4个抽屉一人高。是用这个柜子自带的钉在dry wall上的膨胀螺栓钉在dry wall上的,可是那个膨胀螺栓的翅膀估计没打开,结果柜子就有点松。我家大宝一岁多的时候,一天去拉这个柜子,柜子轰的一下就朝他倒下来了。这可是重密度板做的柜子呀,结果很奇迹的是中间两个抽屉在倒下的过程中飞出去了,大宝正好在其中一个抽屉下面,就没伤到。这以后我家里ikea的书架什么的就被我处理掉了。这个柜子被我把下面的腿锯掉,直接平放在地上,然后后面用螺丝直接钉到梁上。不过想想真是后怕呀。

    总之做父母的处处先设想一下每个地方是不是会有危险,而且要和家里的老人也要反复重申。我家婆婆以前自己的药就放在她自己桌上,但是小孩又老去她的房间玩,说了好几次,因为老人觉得我们有点大惊小怪,一直说不会有问题的,这不是有人在旁边嘛。但是这个说不上的,老人如果接个电话什么的,稍微走神,没准小孩就把药拿出来了。前两天看那个小孩吃消毒液的就是一个例子。当然这也是特例,更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • agree, 我们家老人要求买线做点针线活,被我坚决制止,原因是万一针找不到了怎么办。结果不幸被我言中,马上发现已经有一根针找不到了.
      • same here, 还说我计较她弄丢了一根针
        • same here,
    • good good
    • 赞,写得真好。我家孩子大概8-9个月大的时候,我忙着做菜就顺手给他那种需要按下转动到一定位置才能打开的维生素瓶玩(哗哗响嘛),哪知道没一会她居然打开了还塞了一颗到嘴里,把我吓得赶紧处理了,事后再也不敢小看小孩子的能力了。
      • 我家的也发生过同样的事情,我都奇怪她是怎么打开的,我一不留神她就给打开了,还好我就在边上发现的及时。
        • 是呀,小孩好奇,喜欢到处打开东西看,不小心真的很危险
    • 发现ikea的家具就是不稳定, 不结实. 我家的ikea的4个抽屉的柜子就被我儿子拉倒过, 整个都压到他身上, 幸好没出什么事情. 真是便宜没好货. 我还好, 比较注意烧的开水, 热锅, 刀子剪子这种事情的安全, 可老公特别不注意, 说过他好多回, 还不服气, 特气人.
      • 是呀,ikea的家具是不牢。至于你老公,我觉得你要给他看些安全事故的例子才行
      • Ikea的很多给小朋友用的柜子都有一个可以把柜子和墙固定起来的一个配件,你确定你装了么?
        • 我买的那个不是小孩子的柜子, 就是一般大人的柜子.
          • 晕,难道你就不会举一反三,给你的柜子装个这样的东西?知道的话还会让你的孩子有机会把柜子弄翻?个人觉得Ikea的很多设计算是以人为本了,这也能怪到Ikea的头上?
    • 不过学点first aid的方法也是挺重要的。我看到报道上说那个吃鸡蛋噎到的小孩的妈妈急救的措施也有很大问题。我相信用对了急救方法也许悲剧就不会发生。
      我有个邻居说她以前学过first aid,我看到过她处理她家小孩夹伤手指就很专业。而且她说她的一个同事就是用first aid的方法救过一个被食物噎得快憋死的小孩子。所以我一直非常想有机会去学学这些方法。当然能防患未然地让小孩远离危险也是很重要的责任。
      • 是呀,我刚才还和我婆婆说我修完产假以后要去学这个first aid, 我们公司每个季度都有一次培训,这次要去报名学了
    • 这个我是见过教训的,在国内同一个楼的一个小孩,就是不小心碰到家里煮饺子的锅,一锅滚水浇在身上,从下巴开始烫伤一大片. In fact, I saw one Chinese girl get burned at here. It is horrible. Good post.
      • 其实我见过一个更惨的,我们中学一个女孩被选去参加澳大利亚的一个英语比赛,全家在一个小饭馆庆祝,吃火锅,小饭馆自己重新灌的瓦斯罐,爆炸了,女孩的脸全毁了。教训是不能去小饭馆吃这种烧烤火锅什么的。
        • 人大付中的
          • 铁附(交大附中)
    • 我父母家的邻居(同一大楼),两岁不到的孙子吃桂元,结果核卡在了气管里,能做的都做的,高压氧仓也用了,结果还是脑缺氧,傻掉了.
    • 炉子上的锅之类的要注意把手不能朝外面,小孩子很好奇,总会踮起脚去够,很可能会把锅给拉下来。
    • 应对大人小孩噎着的方法:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛http://www.ou.edu/oupd/choke.htm

      Conscious Infant (under 1 year old)
      4 Back Blows and 4 Chest Thrusts

      To dislodge an object in the airway of an infant:

      -Supporting the head and neck with one hand, straddle infant face down, head lower than trunk, over your forearm, supported on your thigh.

      -Deliver four back blows, forcefully, with the heel of the hand between the infant's shoulder blades.

      -Immediately, while supporting the head, sandwich the infant between your hands and turn onto its back, head lower than trunk, Using 2 fingers, deliver four thrusts in the sternal region.

      -Repeat both back blows and chest thrusts until foreign body is expelled or the infant becomes unconscious.

      Finger position for chest thrusts: Depress the sternum 1/2 to 1 inch for each thrust. Avoid the tip of the sternum.

      Alternate method: Lay the infant face down on your lap, head lower than trunk, and firmly supported. Perform 4 back blows, turn infant as a unit to the supine position, and perform 4 chest thrusts.

      Unconscious Infant:
      -call for help, or if others respond, call 911
      -Perform tongue-jaw lift. If foreign body is visualized, remove it.
      -Open the airway (head-tilt/chin-lift), and attempt rescue breathing.
      -Perform 4 back blows, then 4 chest thrusts.
      -If foreign body is not removed, persist with this sequence:

      attempt to visualize,

      attempt rescue breathing,

      give back blows,

      give chest thrusts until successful.

      -If foreign body is removed and victim is not breathing, begin the ABC's of CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation):

      AIRWAY -open the airway;
      BREATHING -if still no breaths, attempt rescue breathing.
      CIRCULATION -if no pulse, perform chest compressions.

      -When successful, have victim examined by physician as soon as possible.

      Conscious Child (over 1 year old)
      To dislodge an object from the airway of a child:
      -Perform subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver) as described for adults.

      Unconscious Child
      If the child becomes unconscious:
      -Contimue as for an adult, except

      Instead, perform a tongue-jaw lift and remove foreign body ONLY IF VISUALIZED.

      Note: Abdominal thrusts are not recommended in infants. Blind finger sweeps should not be performed on infants or small children.

      Any victim on whom you begin first aid for choking or cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be considered to be in need of advanced life support.

      You can reach the Emergency Medical Services network on or off campus in Norman by dialing 911.

      In other U.S. communities where 911 phone service is not available be sure to make a list of emergency phone numbers for various emergency services. Many other countries have national emergency numbers (similar to the U.S. 911 system). Check with local officials or the U.S. State Department to determine special emergency numbers you need to know when travelling.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 这消息是很让人难过。youtube上可以搜索 first aid 有关视频。可以看看。
    • 我的一点经验。我儿子15个月左右也是对厨房的东西好奇。 我就给他碰一下我刚刚用过比较烫又不会烫坏手的锅。他就知道什么是烫的感觉。 刀呢, 我用刀背在他的手上划。 他也就体验一下如果被刀 切了 会怎样。
      有一次,我自己切到手了, 立即给他看实例。 当然我自己会把刀收好, 炉子只用后两个。 但是有些危险还是要给孩子讲明白的。
      • 我也是用这个办法,有一点烫的锅,灶台,开水瓶,我都让我儿子一一摸过,他就记住了.不过还是一个不小心,他自己摸到电饭锅上的出气口,烫了个小水泡.小孩子一定要小心!
        • 这个很难防呀,连我这当妈的都经常把自己烫到。惭愧一把
      • hoho,关于烫早在10个月的时候我就把烫鸡蛋放在他桌子上,让他玩,所以很小的时候她就知道什么是烫,至于这刀,目前还没舍得这么干。hoho
    • 最好的办法是要求彻底禁止鸡蛋的销售和使用。
    • 墙上的钉子,硬币,身上的扣子。
    • 我所知道最凄惨的事情,是国内一个一岁半大的小男孩,从八楼的窗口掉了下来。因为他家的床靠着窗户摆着。每次路过那栋楼我都毛骨悚然。
    • 关于炉头,有一种U型的不锈钢护罩,放在炉头上,是专门防止小孩不小心碰到的。大家可以去找找,这个很实用。
      • U型的不锈钢护罩? 能说具体点吗?