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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

“Religion is the largest promoter of this propaganda, for the "us and them" or "good and evil" mentality promotes this false assumption.”

“Friends, Due to the very large amount of inquires, we have shut down this Contact Form until we can go through the emails we have already received.” http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ We are One. There is no good people or bad people. There is you and I. We are one. There is no good God or bad God. There is the nature taking care of us. We are One. There is no good creature or bad creature. We are creatures. We are one. We share air and water. We share the sun and the moon. We share each others spirit. We are one. Stop fighting, start sharing. Stop auguring, start understanding. Stop hating, start loving. Stop competition, start cooperation. We are one. We are one. We are the lonely one. We are one. We are one. We are the lonely one in the universe.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 有点信佛教的我与信基督教的老婆一直相安无事, 没想到昨天因为一首诗争论起来。
    老婆平时喜欢做做打油诗歌颂赞美她的神, 我都是很欣赏和支持的, 我对耶稣那也是佩服的五体投地的, 一个人能修炼到他那个完美的份上, 那绝对不是一般人, 按新约的记载完美程度,可以说是神。 但说人是三位一体的他创造的, 我还不信。但也绝对不会反对老婆信。
    昨日她作诗一首, 大意是最近金融海啸, gaza战火纷飞, 盼望耶稣显现大能云云。 我当时作为愚顽人立刻血气上涌。在我看来,那耶路撒冷要不是因为islam, christian以及犹太教三教纷争, 哪里会有千百年不停的战争。在我看来大家都太相信自己的神了才会产生冲突, 以至于宾拉登居然呼吁“圣战”。2000多年前康斯坦丁大帝统一基督教时也是大开杀戒。 现在中东的冲突也是由基督教国家美国为首的西方支持犹太教的以色列与穆斯林阿拉伯国家的斗争。
    如果这三个宗教的神都显了大能, 那比世界大战可要厉害多了, 单单一个基督教的神就可以把埃及惩罚的死去活来,三个神要是打起来, 几个地球也不过他们折腾的。 虽然说人有可能是他们创造的, 那也不能这样折磨我们吧。加拿大人还知道家长不能随便打孩子呢。
    跟老婆的讨论不欢而散,临了她说, 我担心咱俩的宗教冲突以后会越来越多, 影响到以后孩子的教育, etc, etc. 看来还真是个问题啊。
    • 望楼主千万莫有分别想,各大宗教的主旨都是劝人向善的,而那些"不好的事",是所谓"信徒"所做的"偏激"的事.从佛弟子的角度看这些问题,更要包容.要知道家里的"同修"是我们今生修行的"大善知识","大护法",如果有任何分歧,就暂时"放下".
      • 末学浅见,佛教与其他宗教的最大不同就是"包容"和"平等",夫妻间讨论没必要非要争出高低,正确,这样一来很容易,互相"谤法",造下"口业","宁为心师,不师于心","见破戒人,作持戒想","则不为六蔽境界所缠".南无阿弥陀佛!
        • 此外,佛教的"行者"更注重内心"观照"和"实修",而不是"企盼""外力"来拯救自己. 如果大家都能真正做到"六和敬","净土"就会现前.南无阿弥陀佛!
          • 多谢点悟, 有些明白了。
    • 老婆这样祈祷(平息人间的各种灾难),是对的。应该赞叹才对


      • 多谢点悟
      • 我觉得很对, 信仰是无形的, 有人总想把别人的信仰全部有形化, 这里有人与耶露战乱联系, 有人还与8国联军联系, 岂不知这不是人的信仰, 这是凡人的业.
        • 宗教的思维方式是把圣经变毒品的目的。让人们戴上宗教的有色眼镜,来看待事物。好人,坏人,好神,坏神。把人和人对立,人和其他生灵对立。其实:”人类是自然界的一分子,大家应和其他生灵和平共处。“
          • 宗教离开相信他们的人,就没有宗教可言。八国联军和加沙战争和上帝没关系,是信上帝的人干的。
            • 其实我们每个人,都是带着有色眼镜看世界的。就像这里,你就忽略了,有些人也是离不开宗教的。其实,不管那些灾难应该有谁来负责,在我们这个永远都不会停止运转的世界里,总会有些人在走向更好的未来,还有些人相反。我们个人的力量非常有限,能把握自己就已经很不错了。
              • ”人类是自然界的一分子,大家应和其他生灵和平共处。“
                • 这样的愿望很好,很赞同。可是这样的词汇:“无知, 无赖, 贪婪, 无耻的”怎么能让人们和平共处哪?我们个人的行为,往往会和我们的愿望背道而驰。就像人们都向往快乐,可却尽力的摧毁自己将来的快乐,就像摧毁怨敌一样。
                  • “Religion is the largest promoter of this propaganda, for the "us and them" or "good and evil" mentality promotes this false assumption.”
                    “Friends, Due to the very large amount of inquires, we have shut down this Contact Form until we can go through the emails we have already received.” http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/ We are One. There is no good people or bad people. There is you and I. We are one. There is no good God or bad God. There is the nature taking care of us. We are One. There is no good creature or bad creature. We are creatures. We are one. We share air and water. We share the sun and the moon. We share each others spirit. We are one. Stop fighting, start sharing. Stop auguring, start understanding. Stop hating, start loving. Stop competition, start cooperation. We are one. We are one. We are the lonely one. We are one. We are one. We are the lonely one in the universe.
            • 不信上帝的人一样干坏事,这个世界上如果没有宗教的存在,杀戮和丑恶的事情不见得会少。
              • 看看中国这几十年没有宗教信仰的年代都干了什么就知道了, 现在好多了, 国内的宗教热如果按人数比加拿大还热----大概过了几十年心中空空的日子终于知道寻找些精神支柱了.
                • ”人类是自然界的一分子,大家应和其他生灵和平共处。“
                  • 我就知道信基督的人们还保护着你的大自然, 你崇拜的什么也不信的人把树都砍光了
                    • We are One.
                      There is no good God or bad God.
                      There is nature who take care us.
                      We are One.
                      There is no good people or bad people.
                      There is you and me.
                      We are one.
                      There is no good creature or bad creature.
                      There is my friend creatures.
                      We are one.
                      We share air and water.
                      We share sun and moon.
                      We share each others spirit.
                      We are one.
                      Stop fighting, start sharing.
                      Stop auguring, start taking.
                      Stop hating, start loving.
                      We are one.
                      We are one.
                      We are the lonely one.
                      • 唉, 你有什么信仰啊, 无聊而已
                        • # “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。”
                          • 扯, 有本事搞出李洪志那动静, 我就不喜欢这种即无新意, 只能靠否定别人来特立标新的事, 有本事不要否定别人, 就搞自己的一套还能吸引目光
                            • Zeitgeist 比李大仙动静大多了:“Friends, Due to the very large amount of inquires, we have shut down this Contact Form until we can go through the emails we have already received.” http://thezeitgeistmovement.com/
              • ”人类是自然界的一分子,大家应和其他生灵和平共处。“
                • 莫名其妙啊,为什么有人吃猪,有人吃海鱼,有人吃蘑菇,有人吃玉米,生灵有高低贵贱么?植物是生灵么?蚯蚓是么,草履虫是么?什么跟什么啊,什么和平共处啊。吃吃洗洗睡吧。:)
                  • We are One. "Stop auguring, start understanding." 听说过:Zeitgeist Movement.
                    We are One.

                    There is no good God or bad God.
                    There is the nature taking care of us.
                    We are One.

                    There is no good people or bad people.
                    There is you and me.
                    We are one.

                    There is no good creature or bad creature.
                    We ARE creatures.
                    We are one.

                    We share air and water.
                    We share the sun and the moon.
                    We share each others spirit.
                    We are one.

                    Stop fighting, start sharing.
                    Stop auguring, start understanding.
                    Stop hating, start loving.
                    Stop competition, start cooperation.

                    We are one.
                    We are one.
                    We are the lonely one.

                    We are one.
                    We are one.
                    We are the lonely one.

                    For Zeitgeist Movement. 2009.1.20
    • 信什么教不重要,重要的是有信仰,有信仰的战士战斗力强,持续力长
      • 同意, 人要有信仰, 才会对社会, 对他人关注的多一些
    • 同英国人离开印度时一样,当年Alien造人时,何尝不想留下些千百年的冲突好制衡地球人的智慧。信仰的冲突是最无解的,因为信仰不是可以来reason的。但我们作为个体是可以的。
    • 有争论, 有讨论, 很正常, 也是一种交流, 只要能控制好情绪, 其中一方让一让, 或转移话题, 就不会有事
    • 争论不是问题. 你现在要考虑的是, 如果忽然有一天, 她要在神和你之间做个选择, 她会选谁?
      • 楼主能在这里提此问题,就一定不会让她面临"选择"的问题,我们学佛是用自己良好形象来感化周围,不是用语言去要求谁,用语言来要求别人永远讲不通的。首先度自性的众生(就是当下这个"我"),等到自己的形象能感化周围,那么自然就能度无量众生。南无阿弥陀佛!