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支持 北京奥运 网球 大赛 ( 单打赛 May 17 ( Sat ) 欢 迎 参加 )

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛支持 北京奥运 网球 大赛 ( 单打赛 May 17 ( Sat ) 欢 迎 参加 )

为 支持 北京奥运,锻炼身体, 互相切磋 ,提高 网球技术 , 计划 来个 网球比赛...检验一下训练的成果..... 欢 迎 广 大 网球爱好者 参加 。All players will have a gift .


网球 单打 赛 :May 17 ( Sat ) 11 AM - Finish Men & Women Single Match

[u]Location: Meadow Green Tennis Court, 6611 Falconer Drive, Mississauga L5N 1R3 [/u]


Drive Direction: 401 West Exit Mavis south , turn Britania to the west turn Creditview to the North . turn Falconer Drive to the west, the first stop sign turn to south . In the back of the Mall. There are 4 tennis Court there.

Cost: 10 $ ( We need to buy 20 Bottle new Tennis Ball ..A New Trophy .....Some Tennis Plate .....All players will have a gift ... )

报名: E-mail: [email]Caryluo@hotmail.com[/email]

or Phone : 905-890-1026 or leave a message if you are interested....

Men Single , Women Single 。

3 person per group ..... 小组 循环 赛 。The 1 and 2 go to the next round....

Then Final 4 ....Final 2 .... Championship....


设立 网球 希望 组 。。。To entertain more beginner ...The 1 and 2 go to the second round ....If you lose 2 game in the group...Do not worry ... No 3 不会被淘汰。。。No 3 Will go to 网球 希望 组
play with other group

This is our Tennis Tournament ..... Welcome good Tennis players from last Tournament

Have Fun and see you there

我们 在 一快 打 网球 真开心


So far we have 8 GG and 2 MM and 5 Doubles now....

Thanks you and see you there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
Sign in and Reply

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 支持 北京奥运 网球 大赛 ( 单打赛 May 17 ( Sat ) 欢 迎 参加 )
    • Only single? no double?
      • 看看,这兄弟对双打很有野心啊。
        • 技不如人啊
      • Double is May 24 ( next Sat )
    • 我报名.
      • Welcome....
        • 报名单打:Peter
          • Welcome....
    • Count me in....Men's single...thanks.
      • Welcome....
    • 我觉得应该组织的是邀请赛,看看这么多网友,来自各个俱乐部,各个GROUP,如果能邀请到各个组织的高手过来,应该是一件更精彩的好事。
      • Yes.... It will be West --- East Match next time .....
      • Welcome you too .
    • 干脆搞一个MISSISAUGA邀请赛,让我们密东大队长也参加策划。
      • 呵呵,活动名称不重要,重要的是大家都参与。
        • 大队长 主抓 报名 工作 。
    • 支持奥运的活动我们责无旁贷阿
      Just for fun! count me in! 个人建议参赛费$5,自己带饮料,这样可能更多人会参加。不在钱多少,关键是多点人更热闹,才有支持奥运的气氛阿
      • Especially welcome Mississauga East Team
        One World ....One Dream .... One GTA...One Mississauga
    • 双 打 赛 ( May 24 ( Sat ) 欢 迎 参加 )
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛支持 北京奥运 网球 大赛 ( 双 打 赛 May 24 ( Sat ) 欢 迎 参加 )

      为 支持 北京奥运,锻炼身体, 互相切磋 ,提高 网球技术 , 计划 来个 网球比赛...检验一下训练的成果..... 欢 迎 广 大 网球爱好者 参加 。All players will have a gift .


      网球 双 打 赛 May 24 ( Sat ) 11 AM -- Finish Double . ( Mixed Double Welcome )

      Location: Meadow Green Tennis Court, 6611 Falconer Drive, Mississauga L5N 1R3


      Drive Direction: 401 West Exit Mavis south , turn Britania to the west turn Creditview to the North . turn Falconer Drive to the west, the first stop sign turn to south . In the back of the Mall. There are 4 tennis Court there.

      Cost: 10 $ ( We need to buy 20 Bottle new Tennis Ball ..A New Trophy .....Some Tennis Plate .....All players will have a gift )

      报名: E-mail: Caryluo@hotmail.com

      or Phone : 905-890-1026 or leave a message if you are interested....

      这个 网球 赛 相 当 于 我 们 自 己 的 法国 网 球 公 开 赛

      Double ......

      Group A ( level 4.0 ) 循环 赛 ,Group B ( level 3.5 ) 循环 赛 ...Group A ..The most winner is the Championship....

      This is a good way you play with your level players...

      This is our Tennis Tournament ..... Welcome good Tennis players from last Tournament ...We have invited the Strong Korean Double ....

      Have Fun and see you there

      我们 在 一快 打 网球 真开心

      So far we have 5 Doubles now....

      Thanks you and see you there.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Welcome to the Tennis Website
    • Single Name List , We have 13 GG and 4 MM now ( More Tennis Players are welcomed )
      Single Name List

      GG 13

      Raymond Li


      Allen Xie

      Fred Xiao

      Serge' s Friend

      Cary Luo

      Jack Li

      James Ma


      99 K




      MM 4

      Alice Wang

      Xiao Tong


      • Welcome Shawn ..... Xiao Deng ....Bill Zhu .....
      • Welcome Polish Player Andrew......
      • Welcome Charis Jiang , Kam .....
      • Alex Zhou will come
      • Frank will come
    • 支持.可惜住在城里,离得太远了
      • Now the Tennis Center have moved to the West .... It is only 30 min to drive ....
        • 我只能去地铁站附近的球场,hehe
          • Can pick up you at Kiping Subway.......
            • 多谢多谢。不过这周六已经有安排了。特别是上午是罗马大师杯的两场半决赛,实在不想错过 :)。祝比赛成功+狒狒拿下头个罗马大师
              • The Tournament is next Sat.....
                • 下周汉堡大师赛又开始了 :(,最近三个红土大师赛赶在一起了。
        • 我要报名.2个.一男一女.
          • Welcome.....
            • 老蓝,加上我
              • welcome
    • 老罗.明天下班后,你有没有时间指导我一盘.本周三和上周六,都下雨,没机会练.快比赛了,我极需要练习.如肯赏脸,不胜感谢.
      • No problem .... How about Sat Morning 9 --11 AM ..... The Tournament is next Sat ...
        • 也是一冬天没打球了,这个星期六去不了,老蓝,能不能下个星期三指教一盘
          • See you on next Wed....
            if not rain
    • 网球战术
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网球战术



      战术 1:新手上路牢记——打对方反手



      战术 2:保险防守伺机动——打对角球



      战术 3:避免下网与出界球——打高球



      战术 4:避开弱点 绕到反手位打正手球



      奶牛 费德勒

      战术 5:无论发球多臭——把球发过网










      战术 1:要勇于冒险——发球上网战术



      战术 2:杀人无形变幻多—穿越球战术



      战术 3:等待时机占中场——底线战术



      打网球真开心.....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • New Name List
    • The Coach will come....
    • If Sat raining ....The Court is Wet..... Will be changed to Sunday 11 AM ....Please let all the Players know
    • 网球 赛 日程, 规则:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网球 赛 日程, 规则:

      All the Tennis Players

      Please come to Tennis Court before 11 AM. Sun May 18 , 2008

      Location : 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      Time : 10:30 AM - 11 AM Sat .....Registration

      Tennis Warm Up

      11:00 AM Welcome , Know Each Other , 抽签分组

      11:20 AM Game Start

      男子单打: ...

      小组赛: 每组 3 人, 单循环赛, 每人打 2 场, 1 set ( 6 Game 者

      胜, 如 6 比 6. 则 再打 1 局抢 7 , ) 前 2 名出线.

      设立 网球 希望 B 组 。。。

      To entertain more beginner ...If you lose 2 game in the group...

      Do not worry ...不会被淘汰。。。Will go to 网球 希望 组

      Will play with other 网球 希望 组....

      There are also Championship B and 2nd Place B .....

      复赛: 淘汰赛 1 set

      ( 8 Game 者 胜 ) ,

      决出前 4 名, 1 set ( 8 Game 者 胜 ) ,

      决出前 2 名, 1 set ( 8 Game 者 胜 ) ,

      决 赛 1 set ( 8 Game 者 胜 ) , Championship and 2 nd Place

      女子单打: 1 set , 单循环赛, 出前 2 名, 决赛

      Double : 11 AM .... Registration May 24 ( Sat )

      单循环赛 ..... 1 set ( 8 Game 者 胜 ) ,

      Location : Meadow Green Tennis Court , 6611 Falconer Drive.

      Mississauga .....

      Have Fun ....

      20 Bottle of Tennis Ball are ready.....

      More Tennis Players are welcomed ....

      See U on the court ...
      <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >

      URL: http://6636.ca/st/thread.php?fid=26更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • The Court is Wet..... After discuss...The Tennis Single Tournament will be postponed to May 24 ( Sat ) 11 AM ....
      • Suggest all players participate May 19 charity double match at pleasantview tennis club, don't forget current best China female double players are from Sichuan!
        • Yes...Play for Sichuan and donate for Sichuan already....
      • Agree, I am going to talk to Lao Luo see if we can make the two events as one. I believe It is the time for us tennis players/funs to do something tohether. My self and Our club will fully support this event.
      • Ohhh..... Just checking ...We have donate 2 times in the Supermarket ... Would have pleasure to donate 3 times...Actually We have planned the donation box ( Donation as you like ) in the Tennis Tournament
        But today is raining.. The Match Will postponed.....

        Some guys ( Junoir and Senior group ) still want to play Monday morning 11 AM in Mississauga ....

        It is alright if somebody like to play after 2 PM in Pleasent View...
    • Junior Group Tennis Match will be today 11 AM ( level 2.5 -- 3.0 ...They do not have time in this Sat ) 6611 Falconer
      Junior Group Tennis Match will be today 11 AM ( level 2.5 -- 3.0 ...They do not have time in this Sat ) Location :6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      Will have A Junior Championship and 2nd Place .... MM Championship .....
    • The Men 's Tennis Single Tournament will be May 24 ( Sat ) 11 AM .... Level 4 or up ...