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顺便也贴一下Canadian Food Inspection Agency的回信,里面对于食品安全保质期的解释,满清楚的,买坏了别的大人吃的食品,也可以参照一下。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Your recent inquiry which you submitted to the Health Canada web site
was forwarded to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency because of the
CFIA's role in food safety.

The legislation regarding best before dates is under the Food and Drugs
Act B.01.007. The Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) currently require
that, with certain exceptions, prepackaged foods with a durable life of
90 days or less be labelled with either a best before date and
instructions for proper storage, or a packaged on date and durable life
information. Foods with a shelf life of longer than that do not
best before dates.

The Food and Drugs Act section 5(1) requires that no person shall
label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner
that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an
erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity,
composition, merit or safety.

So if a person was selling food that was past the best before date
which was misleading to the consumer, this is the section of the act
that would apply.

Section 4 of the same act states;
No person shall sell an article of food that
(a) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance:
(b) is unfit for human consumption;
c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting,
rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance;
(d) is adulterated; or
(e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under
unsanitary conditions.

This may apply to foods sold after their best before dates.

Although there is no requirement to label products with a durable life
of more than 90 days with a best before date, some companies may opt to
use a production date but there is no format required by regulation.

Should you have additional questions or are concerned that a local
store is indeed selling foods past the Best Before date or not safe,
can contact the CFIA's Single Access Food Labelling Service/Retail Food
Program office nearest you

Also, the CFIA recommends that you seek medical advice if your daughter
feels sick.

Thank you更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 亲亲宝贝 / 提醒一下各位妈妈,不久前我在Shoppers买了盒过期的雀巢小包装米糊,都给宝宝吃了一小袋才发现时08年1月过期的。我买的时候根本就没看生产日期,太大意了。:(后来气不过,去他们的网站发了封投诉信,总部先给我回信道歉了,说会严肃跟那家店跟进,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛又给了我3500点积分(好像不值什么?算是个安慰姿态吧)。之后我去那一带就顺便把货退了。过了两天,收到商店owner打来电话,再次道歉,表示以后会杜绝类似情况发生,然后邀请我去店里挑几盒免费的米糊送给我。还告诉我,实际上我退货的时候,可以让店员找他的。我告诉他等我有空一定去。:)

    一等就2个多星期,今天终于带着宝宝去了。那家伙还是个药剂师(好像SDM的Franchisee都必须是药剂师吧?),特忙,排了会儿队才等到接见,一说他就想起来了,让我自己去拿,连着别的要买的东西,都挑好再来找他,一块去前台结账。到货架一看,那种小包装断货了,就随便拿了两包普通包装的米糊,又买了点减价的Aveeno baby lotion什么的。回头再去找店主,跟他说明了下,没想到无意中拿起压在下面那盒米糊,发现居然包装破了!@#$%。天,我都服了自己的粗心大意了,那店主也笑了,说看来我不是个lucky person。晕!赶紧去换了一个。这时候店主才跟我说,没关系,反正今天他是要给我50刀的gift card,然后又道歉了。看在50刀和他们的态度还不错的份上,我就原谅他们啦。:D

    我从来没有寄望得到多少赔偿,投诉的时候也没提这方面,只是强调我对发生这种情况非常失望和沮丧,担心宝宝的安全。更希望店家们能更负责任,减少过期婴儿食品摆上架的可能性吧。(插一句,加拿大对过期食品的监管并不严格,更多是要求零售商自我规范,我也去Health Canada网站投诉了,给我转到Canadian Food Inspection Agency,回信了,只是解释了这方面的法规,没有什么实质行动,告诉我可以找附近的食品检查办公室举报,并建议我必要的话带宝宝看医生。我觉得太麻烦了,宝宝也没什么事儿,就算了。)

    啰嗦了这么多,简而言之,就是买baby食品的时候一定要睁大眼睛,这里商店货架上的确有过期的东西;不幸买到了,也不要忍气吞声,投诉是有作用的。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不光是BABY的东西,不管啥店,吃的东西都要看看日期,那么多品种的货物,商家照看不过来也是可以理解的,消费者自己要很小心。
    • 顺便也贴一下Canadian Food Inspection Agency的回信,里面对于食品安全保质期的解释,满清楚的,买坏了别的大人吃的食品,也可以参照一下。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Your recent inquiry which you submitted to the Health Canada web site
      was forwarded to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency because of the
      CFIA's role in food safety.

      The legislation regarding best before dates is under the Food and Drugs
      Act B.01.007. The Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) currently require
      that, with certain exceptions, prepackaged foods with a durable life of
      90 days or less be labelled with either a best before date and
      instructions for proper storage, or a packaged on date and durable life
      information. Foods with a shelf life of longer than that do not
      best before dates.

      The Food and Drugs Act section 5(1) requires that no person shall
      label, package, treat, process, sell or advertise any food in a manner
      that is false, misleading or deceptive or is likely to create an
      erroneous impression regarding its character, value, quantity,
      composition, merit or safety.

      So if a person was selling food that was past the best before date
      which was misleading to the consumer, this is the section of the act
      that would apply.

      Section 4 of the same act states;
      No person shall sell an article of food that
      (a) has in or on it any poisonous or harmful substance:
      (b) is unfit for human consumption;
      c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, disgusting,
      rotten, decomposed or diseased animal or vegetable substance;
      (d) is adulterated; or
      (e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored under
      unsanitary conditions.

      This may apply to foods sold after their best before dates.

      Although there is no requirement to label products with a durable life
      of more than 90 days with a best before date, some companies may opt to
      use a production date but there is no format required by regulation.

      Should you have additional questions or are concerned that a local
      store is indeed selling foods past the Best Before date or not safe,
      can contact the CFIA's Single Access Food Labelling Service/Retail Food
      Program office nearest you

      Also, the CFIA recommends that you seek medical advice if your daughter
      feels sick.

      Thank you更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好,确实是BABY的东西要自己特别当心才行
    • 谢谢苹果