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十一月十二小時念佛將於本週六(十一月三日)於極樂寺(7609 Kennedy 在Denison以北)舉行。上午八時開始讀誦無量壽經,午供後用餐,下午蓮池海會精進念佛。晚上七時半回向,八點到十點讀誦「地藏菩薩本願經」然後圓滿結束。需要交通接送者請於十一月三日上午七時四十五分在城市廣場北門(JCY時裝店)外集合。注意下週日(十一月四日)共修暫停。


Our November 12-hour Chanting Session will be held on Saturday, November 3 at the JiLeh Temple (7609 Kennedy, north of Denison). No study session will be held on Nov. 4.

08:00 - “Infinite Life Sutra”; Amituofo Chanting
13:00 - “Gathering at the Lotus Pond”
13:30 - 20:00 Amituofo Chanting
20:00 - 22:00 “Earth Treasure Sutra”

For those requiring carpool please assemble on November 3 at the North Entrance (JCY House), of Market Village at 07:45 hr. Participants must provide own ‘Hai Ching’ and wear white socks. Veggie meals will be served free.

Contact/查詢: (416)699-3372/893-3366/898-3880