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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Thanks God today is Friday. I am happy within cry

Thanks God today is Friday.
You are leading me over the tempation,
release of my heart entangled by sin.
Your spirit is so weak,
for your sin makes you weak.
you look for the justice,
but the justice is only the secular one,
God knows is good for you to give up the justice,
The justice will surely come when the sin leave you away.
you are so eager to get peace,
but no place no man can give you peace,
the peace in your heart, not in the world,
A house facing forward the sea,
flowers blossom in warm spring,
that's the dream you dream,
that's peace you expect,
that's the reality you now get,
that's the peace now you lost.
you wanna cry without shame,
but you can't cry cause you fall in shame.
the cry is so humble,
the cry is so sad,
you expect the cry God can hear,
you expect the cry God can notice his child in cry.
My father in heaven, Hallowed be your name; the kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.......