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Last night 金字塔 post a message replying to #380522, and this message got one follow-up message.

Our system log shows, later, slimpiggy, one of our moderators, deleted the follow-up of 金字塔's message, and then 金字塔 deleted his own message.

We feel sorry for the confusing and misleading caused by the above operations, and we did hope 金字塔 and slimpiggy could clarify the fact.

We hope this message clear all your regarding questions. Thank you for your continual participation and support to rolia.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / 关于金字塔回#380522的帖子消失的事实澄清
    Last night 金字塔 post a message replying to #380522, and this message got one follow-up message.

    Our system log shows, later, slimpiggy, one of our moderators, deleted the follow-up of 金字塔's message, and then 金字塔 deleted his own message.

    We feel sorry for the confusing and misleading caused by the above operations, and we did hope 金字塔 and slimpiggy could clarify the fact.

    We hope this message clear all your regarding questions. Thank you for your continual participation and support to rolia.
    • 这不就结了?在那个贴子里面越抹越黑。呵呵。
      • 清者自清,对rolia有信心,对版主有信心,对坛子里99%的朋友有信心,再加一点虚怀若谷,我真的看不出有什么问题解决不了?看问题死盯一点无益,来点全局观如何。嘻嘻,今天好像能消停了?Blessing you all.
        • 总算是消停了,吓得我昨天都不敢来了,火药味太重!
    • 唉,斑竹终于出来澄清了.bingle&pingle受半天指责了,看着真着急:(
      • :D
    • I cut out around 3 or 4 posts that contained criticism to the present Chinese government which in my humble opinion, will cause Rolia.com be blocked, and potentially place Rolia members
      who are located in mainland China in physical danger.

      I declare that I am not involved in the disappearing of posts RE the Japanese & US government.
      • So you are one of the moderators. No wonder you can say whatever you like including dirty words.
        • Your logic is at fault, let's focus on the argument that's on hand, are you advocating the position that we should get this website banged in mainland China? Most people in their sane mind (with the exception of you)
          will oppose such idea
          • I have no comment on those deleted posts I didn't have a chance to see. But I did read many ugly messages posted by you.
            • Ugliness comes from the lack of benevolence
      • 但是我回pingle的关于斑竹职责的贴子,和中国政府没有任何关系呀!幸好留了底稿,晚上再贴一遍吧。
        • trust you & support you!
        • hi, forget it ... it is not a place worth to make yourself exhausted ... suan4le1 ... have some other fun ... do not have to pay attention to those kinds ...
    • 但是我从来都没有删除过自己的贴子呀?
      • Hi pyramid, remember i told you yesterday. They are always correct whatever they did and what ever they said! So they wrote you deleted your post, you did that. you have no choice!
      • Per Sailor's policy, it's probably not a good idea to go into further detail pertains to the disappearing of your post, though I would like to state for the record that I didn't touch it
        • you didnot touch, bingle and pingle didnot touch, but the post cannot automaticly disppearing, right?so ?
          • well the log indicates it wasn't me
            • that suggests someone else deleted it but u cannot say. So it was not a machine problem as downstairs imagined.
        • slimpiggy, check your email please.
          • This is so odd, several people told me that I don't reply to my email anymore, the fact is I've never got them, didn't get your email, send it to fatyahoo@hotmail.com
    • WHO can tell us the true? host? or guest?
    • Again, this is based on the SYSTEM LOG of rolia.com
    • 这又何必呢? 人家提意见, 就气势汹汹反问人家该怎么当斑主, 然后金字塔傻乎乎地真的写了一大篇他的建议, 不过没几分钟就被删了. 可没人承认, 还非说是金字塔自己删的. 咳, 不就是个帖子嘛, 不就是个网站嘛, 至于这么费劲心计吗?
      • 其实大家都不要说得那么冲。我觉得很多时候那些问题是被一些不可知而不是人为的因素造成的。谁能保证MACHINE百分之壹佰准确呐。不要将一些问题当成了不得的事,过去了就算了。不至于一定要兴师动众的问罪,要斑竹一定承认是他干的吧。
        If you think you can not accept the situation, just leave and don't waste you time again. Otherwise calm down. We don't want to waste our time to hear such words again and again!
        • Hey, I never want you to appreciate my words. just like what you said, If you think you can not accept my words, just leave, there are a lot other topics.
      • Agree. No serious problem, health is most important.
        • agree. 大脑进水体积如果超过649ml 就危险了。
      • 我没看到什么气势汹汹呀,而且我也绝对相信那贴不是b/p删的。两个挺聪明的人,会用这么苯的办法吗?如果俩人气量那么小,只怕在江湖上也混不到今天吧?
    • I guess it was HACKER who deleted pyramid(金字塔)'s post. :PPPP
      • 你终于承认了, 承认错误还是好同志
        • 如果承认错误有用的话,那还要斑竹干什么? 呵呵...
      • I guess 是宇宙人干的
      • I guess 是本来登干的
      • 美国人说那张贴子神秘消失的原因是贴子的火控系统的一个bug导致贴子自暴, 瑞典人说金字塔的贴子遭遇了二战时遗留的水雷, 俄罗斯说等贴子捞上来就真相大白了