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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛每月十二小時念佛将於週六(六月二日)於極樂寺進行 (7609 Kennedy 在Denison以北)。上午九時開始蓮池海會,用餐後讀誦無量壽經,然後精進念佛到晚上九時,再讀誦地藏菩薩本願經,到晚上十一時圓滿結束。如需要交通接送者請事先聯絡。




Monthly 12 hour chanting session will be held on Saturday, June 2, 2007 at the JILEH Temple (7609 Kennedy, north of Denison). There will be no gathering on the following Sunday, June 3. Regular gathering will resume the next Sunday, June 10 at Room B, FCCM office, 2/F., Market Village.

09:00 - “Gathering at the Lotus Pond”; Amitabha Chanting
13:00 - Chanting of “Infinite Life Sutra”
15:00 - 21:00: Amitabha Chanting
21:00 - 23:00: Chanting of “Earth Treasure Sutra”

For those requiring lifts please contact 416-699-3372/905-858-3081/416-893-3366 in advance for pick up arrangement. Please provide own ‘Hai Ching’ and wear white socks. Vegetarian meals will be served free.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net