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通 告

本週六(五月卄六)上午十時 悟和法師講經地點轉到「極樂寺」(7609 Kennedy夾Denison)舉行,本會并提供午齋,雖要接送者請於當天上午九時四十五分於城市廣場二樓「加華文化中心」集合。本週日(五月卄七) 共修活動將如常於上午十時在城市廣場二樓「加華文化中心」進行,欲参加下午颐康中心活動者請自備午餐。敬希留意!

查詢: (416)699-3372/893-3366/898-3880

Please Note that Ven. Wuhe’s Dharma Talk on Saturday, May 26 at 10:00 am, will be held at the JILEH Temple (7609 Kennedy north of Denison). Vegetarian lunch will be served free. Lift to the venue will be provided, please assemble at the FCCM office, 2/F., Market Village at 9:45 am for pick up. Regular study session on Sunday, May 27 will be held 10:00 am at the same venue in Market Village. Please bring own lunch for those who wish to join our afternoon session at the Yee Hong Centre for the Aged (2780 Bur Oak Ave. south of 16th).

Contact: (416)699-3372/893-3366/898-3880