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DL Teaching

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Print Page Email Page
His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives teachings throughout the year at various times and in different places. His Holiness also gives public talks. In India, teachings and public talks are usually free and open to the public. However, to attend teachings and public talks outside of India one usually is required to purchase a ticket. The proceeds from the ticket sales are used to cover the costs of the venue and other expenses related to His Holiness’ visit.

On the 16th day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar (which usually falls sometime in February or March) His Holiness gives his annual spring teachings (also called Monlam teachings) at the Main Temple in Dharamsala. These teachings usually last for a period of 15 days and are officially translated into English on FM channel. Several thousand people, both Tibetan and non-Tibetan, attend these popular teachings. His Holiness also gives other shorter teachings throughout the year at different times. During the last few years, His Holiness has also been giving teachings in India at the request of various Buddhist devotees from Taiwan and Korea. These teachings are usually translated into Chinese or Korean over the public address system and into English on FM channel. During the winter months in India, His Holiness often visits Bodh Gaya or some of the Tibetan settlements located in south India where he also regularly gives teachings.

His Holiness also gives a number of empowerments and initiations throughout the year, usually coinciding with his teachings. The Kalachakra Initiation is a complex and extensive initiation, which His Holiness has given 29 times up to 2005. However, His Holiness has always stressed the importance of practitioners attending the teachings rather than the initiations or empowerments in order to allow you to better understand the philosophy of Buddhism.

His Holiness also gives a number of public talks on topics that are close to his heart. Public talks, lasting about an hour followed by a question and answer session are popular on his foreign trips and are usually sold out soon after tickets go on sale.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / 我也有一个不明白,去加国书店,宗教图书区,基督教天主教占一个架子有道理,人多啊,犹太教伊斯兰占半个架子不到也说的过去,好不容易到了佛教了,就一行,犹太教底下。可是就这一行,3/4是达赖的书,好像佛教=达赖似的,西人的井就这么小吗?
    • 没见过不了解井是咋回事还是别去评论井的大小了.
      • 你是说你理解不了的事情大家都不要去了解?你的态度很消极啊。
        • 我是说你这种"也想越觉得别人蠢,越想越觉得自己聪明"的言论无论对谁都没什么用处. 据个例子,你的一楼的帖子无非就是想然大家讨论一下别人的井有多小.
          • 您老人家想得太多了。我的确是认为佛教=/=达赖,西人的井的确很小,你老人家引申到“也想越觉得别人蠢,越想越觉得自己聪明”,倒也非常意识流。
            • 书店里的书通常都不全,去amazon.ca或者chapters.ca上看看,各种各样的佛教书极其多,不仅仅是DL喇嘛的。我前段时间就买了不少。
              • 除了DL喇嘛,还有些什么?
                • 太多太多了,从南传佛教、大乘佛教到金刚乘佛教。几乎可以说,只有你想不到的,没有你找不到的。
                  • 那喇嘛呢?还有吗?
                    • 如果你指的是流传于西藏的佛教,俗称藏传佛教,那就是金刚乘佛教




              • 只是觉得这位从事政治活动远多于宗教修炼的人物,不能被认为是天下佛教第一人,他应该是政治领袖而不应该归类为宗教导师。任何把宗教政治混在一起,都会出乱子,天主教就是一个例子。
                • DL重视政治的一面是他身份的关系,同时作为宗教领导人的一面,除非是在圈子中的人,不然很少知道,就像我们根本 就不知道宗教事务局局长平常从事那些宗教工作一样。不过DL每天花在修习佛法时间不少,每年也定期在全世界范围内传法

                  • 昨天上午,国家宗教事务局局长叶小文在市委党校为深圳市有关方面的领导干部和宗教界人士作了题为《宗教:冲突还是和谐》的专题报告。
                    新华网深圳4月6日电(王湛 王光涛) 昨天上午,国家宗教事务局局长叶小文在市委党校为深圳市有关方面的领导干部和宗教界人士作了题为《宗教:冲突还是和谐》的专题报告。省民族宗教委主任温兰子,市委副书记白天,副市长卓钦锐出席了报告会。


                    • DL Teaching
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Print Page Email Page
                      His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives teachings throughout the year at various times and in different places. His Holiness also gives public talks. In India, teachings and public talks are usually free and open to the public. However, to attend teachings and public talks outside of India one usually is required to purchase a ticket. The proceeds from the ticket sales are used to cover the costs of the venue and other expenses related to His Holiness’ visit.

                      On the 16th day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar (which usually falls sometime in February or March) His Holiness gives his annual spring teachings (also called Monlam teachings) at the Main Temple in Dharamsala. These teachings usually last for a period of 15 days and are officially translated into English on FM channel. Several thousand people, both Tibetan and non-Tibetan, attend these popular teachings. His Holiness also gives other shorter teachings throughout the year at different times. During the last few years, His Holiness has also been giving teachings in India at the request of various Buddhist devotees from Taiwan and Korea. These teachings are usually translated into Chinese or Korean over the public address system and into English on FM channel. During the winter months in India, His Holiness often visits Bodh Gaya or some of the Tibetan settlements located in south India where he also regularly gives teachings.

                      His Holiness also gives a number of empowerments and initiations throughout the year, usually coinciding with his teachings. The Kalachakra Initiation is a complex and extensive initiation, which His Holiness has given 29 times up to 2005. However, His Holiness has always stressed the importance of practitioners attending the teachings rather than the initiations or empowerments in order to allow you to better understand the philosophy of Buddhism.

                      His Holiness also gives a number of public talks on topics that are close to his heart. Public talks, lasting about an hour followed by a question and answer session are popular on his foreign trips and are usually sold out soon after tickets go on sale.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • 我现在有点圈内人士的感觉了
                        • 我现在也感觉有点像叶小文的秘书,对他的活动掌握的比较清楚了:)
                          • Hahahahahaha
    • 我觉得吧,人家书店是做生意的,不是学术研究,达赖的书卖的好人家就多放呗.
      • Agree!
      • 言之有理。樓主的腦筋需要轉轉彎。