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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

翻译转贴给华裔的hiring manager看看:在 温哥华工作板块上分享了这一点,觉得你们都应该看看。仅供参考 - 如果你去过文凭工厂,无论是私立的还是公立的,企业都会取消你的申请。

我在 VancouverJobs 上分享了此信息,但有位用户也要求我在这里分享此信息,因为他们非常沮丧,他们意识到自己身上发生了什么——他们基本上被一群坏人贩卖了,并且错误地相信了梦想。


我们对过去 5 年里我们给予机会的这些学校的申请人进行了分析,并将其与其他学校的申请人进行了比较。因为我们不想在没有支持的情况下制定这个淘汰标准。

42 人中只有 18 人通过了 3 个月的试用期。42 人中只有 1 人(是的,1 人)工作了一年。大约 70% 的人因为工作质量差而被解雇(很明显他们的资历不合算,而且从长远来看,他们的教育对他们没有好处。)剩下的人没有继续工作或自己辞职。我们确实赞助了那位通过的人,但他们之前实际上就读于波士顿大学,他们显然是利用文凭工厂进入加拿大。说实话,我们可能会直接从美国赞助他们。

对于来自公立学校(不是文凭工厂)的候选人,我们有 89 人中有 88 人通过了试用期。我们有 82 人通过了一年。只有 2 人因工作质量差而被解雇,其余 5 人自愿离开。

我们还发现外国学生简历上有很多造假的例子,尤其是关于他们的海外工作经历和实际做过的事情。这也是我们感到沮丧和浪费时间的另一个原因。看看我们给了多少机会。合格的申请人太多了,我们不得不以某种方式对候选人进行排名,而那些就读于 UBC 或 UoT 的人会被召回,而不是 UCW 或一些小型学院 Alexander College。

当然,我知道你在想什么:我不会写我上过这个文凭工厂,我只会写 UBC 或 UoT。好吧。我们有背景调查可以核实你的机构。任何给你提供福利的半正规公司都会对你的加拿大教育申请进行非常快速的检查。如果你这样做并撒谎,你将被解雇。如果我们独立发现问题,这些问题会对你未来的求职造成不利影响,我们也可以向背景调查公司报告。通常,我们的人力资源部现在甚至在我们打电话面试之前就进行教育检查。

我知道我们并不是唯一一家做出这一决定的企业,而且更多的企业也在做出同样的决定。我真诚地认为我应该分享我看到这种情况发生的频率,而且随着大量外国学生进入该国,情况 只会变得更糟。



I shared this is VancouverJobs, but a user asked me to share this here too, because they are so frustrated and they realize what happened to them- they've basically been human trafficked by a bunch of bad actors and falsely believing dreams.

If you are an international student attending school here or a graduate of one, be advised that many places are eliminating applicants with any private school listed (places like University Canada West) and the big ones that are public, like Cape Breton, or public partnership (Fanshawe, Conestoga, etc.) from the applicant pool.

We did an analysis of applicants hired from the past 5 years we gave a chance to from these schools compared to others. Because we didn't want to make this elimination criteria without some backing.

Only 18 out of 42 made it beyond the probationary period of 3 months. And only 1 (yes, 1) out of 42 made it beyond the 1 year mark. Roughly 70% were let go due to poor work quality (it's clear their credentials did not add up and their education did not serve them well in the long run.) The remaining did not continue show up or quit on their own. The 1 that made it through we did sponsor, but they actually attended Boston University before, they were clearly using the diploma mill to get into Canada. We probably would've sponsored them directly from the US, to be completely honest.

For candidates from public schools (the ones that don't act like total diploma mills), we had 88 out of 89 make it beyond the probationary period. We had 82 out of the 89 make it beyond the 1 year mark. Only 2 were let go due to poor work quality and the remaining 5 left on their own accord.

We also find a lot more instances of lying on foreign student resumes, especially with their foreign work experience and what they actually did. This is also another reason why for us, it's frustrating and a waste of time. Look at how many chances we've given. There are far too many qualified applicants that we have to rank candidates somehow and someone who went to UBC or UoT will get called back versus UCW or some strip mall college Alexander College.

And sure, I know what you're thinking: I won't put I went to this diploma mill, I'll just write UBC or UoT. Welp. We have background checks that can verify your institution. Any half decent company that's going to offer you benefits will run a very quick check on your Canadian education claim. If you do this and lie, you will be dismissed as an applicant. We can also report back to background check companies if we find issues independently which will hurt you in future job searches. Often, our HR now runs education checks even before we call for an interview.

I know for a fact we are not the only business who has made this decision and more businesses are making the same decisions. I felt honestly I should share with the frequency I see this coming up and it's only worsening with the sheer numbers of foreign students entering the country.

If you are a foreign student looking for work, honestly, I wouldn't continue to waste my money on these schools. I'd return home and get a healthcare degree and experience at home for cheap, and then transfer it over. You could then go to literally any country with a background in healthcare, not just Canada, so you aren't limiting yourself. BUT you are limiting, not just your immediate future here in Canada with this shady low level diplomas and degrees, but also your entire future because it will probably be like this for at minimum, the next decade, given the current numbers. It's hard enough for actual domestic students to get jobs, who have lived and and worked here their whole lives, it will only be harder for you as a foreigner. Your chances of being the "lucky one" to hit it big are very, very slim.

This job market is terrible. I'm also sorry and heartbroken as a Canadian how much exploitation there is. I studied abroad and it was a wonderful cultural exchange. I hope we can do better to not continue human trafficking through these education mills and so on. I think a good way to figure out if their education is worthwhile is to ask themselves if an American or European country or university there would look positively at your credentials. They know UoT, but they don't know Conestoga.

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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 翻译转贴给华裔的hiring manager看看:在 温哥华工作板块上分享了这一点,觉得你们都应该看看。仅供参考 - 如果你去过文凭工厂,无论是私立的还是公立的,企业都会取消你的申请。 +5

    我在 VancouverJobs 上分享了此信息,但有位用户也要求我在这里分享此信息,因为他们非常沮丧,他们意识到自己身上发生了什么——他们基本上被一群坏人贩卖了,并且错误地相信了梦想。


    我们对过去 5 年里我们给予机会的这些学校的申请人进行了分析,并将其与其他学校的申请人进行了比较。因为我们不想在没有支持的情况下制定这个淘汰标准。

    42 人中只有 18 人通过了 3 个月的试用期。42 人中只有 1 人(是的,1 人)工作了一年。大约 70% 的人因为工作质量差而被解雇(很明显他们的资历不合算,而且从长远来看,他们的教育对他们没有好处。)剩下的人没有继续工作或自己辞职。我们确实赞助了那位通过的人,但他们之前实际上就读于波士顿大学,他们显然是利用文凭工厂进入加拿大。说实话,我们可能会直接从美国赞助他们。

    对于来自公立学校(不是文凭工厂)的候选人,我们有 89 人中有 88 人通过了试用期。我们有 82 人通过了一年。只有 2 人因工作质量差而被解雇,其余 5 人自愿离开。

    我们还发现外国学生简历上有很多造假的例子,尤其是关于他们的海外工作经历和实际做过的事情。这也是我们感到沮丧和浪费时间的另一个原因。看看我们给了多少机会。合格的申请人太多了,我们不得不以某种方式对候选人进行排名,而那些就读于 UBC 或 UoT 的人会被召回,而不是 UCW 或一些小型学院 Alexander College。

    当然,我知道你在想什么:我不会写我上过这个文凭工厂,我只会写 UBC 或 UoT。好吧。我们有背景调查可以核实你的机构。任何给你提供福利的半正规公司都会对你的加拿大教育申请进行非常快速的检查。如果你这样做并撒谎,你将被解雇。如果我们独立发现问题,这些问题会对你未来的求职造成不利影响,我们也可以向背景调查公司报告。通常,我们的人力资源部现在甚至在我们打电话面试之前就进行教育检查。

    我知道我们并不是唯一一家做出这一决定的企业,而且更多的企业也在做出同样的决定。我真诚地认为我应该分享我看到这种情况发生的频率,而且随着大量外国学生进入该国,情况 只会变得更糟。



    I shared this is VancouverJobs, but a user asked me to share this here too, because they are so frustrated and they realize what happened to them- they've basically been human trafficked by a bunch of bad actors and falsely believing dreams.

    If you are an international student attending school here or a graduate of one, be advised that many places are eliminating applicants with any private school listed (places like University Canada West) and the big ones that are public, like Cape Breton, or public partnership (Fanshawe, Conestoga, etc.) from the applicant pool.

    We did an analysis of applicants hired from the past 5 years we gave a chance to from these schools compared to others. Because we didn't want to make this elimination criteria without some backing.

    Only 18 out of 42 made it beyond the probationary period of 3 months. And only 1 (yes, 1) out of 42 made it beyond the 1 year mark. Roughly 70% were let go due to poor work quality (it's clear their credentials did not add up and their education did not serve them well in the long run.) The remaining did not continue show up or quit on their own. The 1 that made it through we did sponsor, but they actually attended Boston University before, they were clearly using the diploma mill to get into Canada. We probably would've sponsored them directly from the US, to be completely honest.

    For candidates from public schools (the ones that don't act like total diploma mills), we had 88 out of 89 make it beyond the probationary period. We had 82 out of the 89 make it beyond the 1 year mark. Only 2 were let go due to poor work quality and the remaining 5 left on their own accord.

    We also find a lot more instances of lying on foreign student resumes, especially with their foreign work experience and what they actually did. This is also another reason why for us, it's frustrating and a waste of time. Look at how many chances we've given. There are far too many qualified applicants that we have to rank candidates somehow and someone who went to UBC or UoT will get called back versus UCW or some strip mall college Alexander College.

    And sure, I know what you're thinking: I won't put I went to this diploma mill, I'll just write UBC or UoT. Welp. We have background checks that can verify your institution. Any half decent company that's going to offer you benefits will run a very quick check on your Canadian education claim. If you do this and lie, you will be dismissed as an applicant. We can also report back to background check companies if we find issues independently which will hurt you in future job searches. Often, our HR now runs education checks even before we call for an interview.

    I know for a fact we are not the only business who has made this decision and more businesses are making the same decisions. I felt honestly I should share with the frequency I see this coming up and it's only worsening with the sheer numbers of foreign students entering the country.

    If you are a foreign student looking for work, honestly, I wouldn't continue to waste my money on these schools. I'd return home and get a healthcare degree and experience at home for cheap, and then transfer it over. You could then go to literally any country with a background in healthcare, not just Canada, so you aren't limiting yourself. BUT you are limiting, not just your immediate future here in Canada with this shady low level diplomas and degrees, but also your entire future because it will probably be like this for at minimum, the next decade, given the current numbers. It's hard enough for actual domestic students to get jobs, who have lived and and worked here their whole lives, it will only be harder for you as a foreigner. Your chances of being the "lucky one" to hit it big are very, very slim.

    This job market is terrible. I'm also sorry and heartbroken as a Canadian how much exploitation there is. I studied abroad and it was a wonderful cultural exchange. I hope we can do better to not continue human trafficking through these education mills and so on. I think a good way to figure out if their education is worthwhile is to ask themselves if an American or European country or university there would look positively at your credentials. They know UoT, but they don't know Conestoga.

    • 康尼斯托加中🔫,维多利亚漏网,😄 +1
      • 维多利亚不是正规的college,文章中指的是那些招收了大量的印度留学生,但是其实根本没有好好上学却拿着加拿大大学文凭留下来工作的留学生。Conestoga原本算还可以的college,现在都烂大街了。现在甚至连原本还不错的Seneca都不被雇主考虑了。 +3
        • Seneca也完了😯? +4
          • Challenges Accepted 😄
          • 原本Seneca和George College还有Centanial都是挺受欢饮的college,毕业可以找一个相对级别低一些的入门工作,现在可好,名声都毁了。 +1
    • 我只招几所名校毕业的,而且要考算法。
      • 哪些属于名校
        • 加拿大境内的,主要考虑这几所:UofToronto, Waterloo, UBC, McGill, UofAlberta, McMaster, Queen's, Western +3
          • 好👍 +1
          • 啊!东边海洋省的学校一个都不行?
      • 毕业生这么招可以这么考虑。但是有经验的这么招,就不对了。这里很多搞IT的都没在加拿大读书。国外大学毕业甚至印度的(不是印度理工)也有很多高手。
        • 名校毕业的就行。一个职位发出去,很快就能收到上百份简历。不可能都面试,所以通过毕业的学校挑出高智商的。不是说普通学校毕业的就没有高手,但咱的时间也有限。另外,我认识的中国名校肯定多过印度的,也算是照顾同胞了。
          • “名校毕业”的确智商高的多。不过小心跌进高分低能的陷阱。中国和印度这样的人不少,都是纯追求分数的。
            • 学历只是第一步,还要经过面试和写代码。当然了,有关系的或者推荐来的,也可以直接进入面试阶段。
            • 反正女娃考分好的比男娃多,干项目还是男娃能人多。
      • NG就是应该考算法和计算机基础理论的理解。问他们经验上的东西不合理也没必要。NG有两年经验理论算法一般般的;没经验但算法和理论清晰,我宁愿选后者。不过话又说回来,加拿大大部分公司的面试别人的自己的理论水平就不咋的。 +1
        • 确实如此,这就是为什么这个国家越来越没有竞争力的原因,到处都是嘴炮当道,不断地劣币驱逐良币。。
          • 加拿大这边任人唯亲较之美国太明显了。
        • 还是因为很多本地公司给IT的钱太低。钱给不到位,水平就不到位。
        • 不只是NG,所有开发人员都如此。脑子不好使的,经验越多越麻烦,都是写bug和扯皮的经验。 +1
    • 中国有句古话忘了怎么说的呢,丰收了连陌生人都能跟着分享一些,欠收了,连家里的兄弟都没得分,意思工作多了啥学校都好使,年景不好好学校都难
      • 印度的小弟弟小妹妹们就这点能耐:走自己的路,让其他人无路可走。混个文凭,能把这些college混成这个样子,就他们这个族裔比较能耐。
        • 关键是半吊子领导太多了,公司自私的人太多了,为了自己的路好走胡乱招人 +1
          • 人家每人吐一口唾沫就可以把你给淹死了。人多力量大。 +1
          • 加拿大管理水平下降了,上至中央,下至地方。。。 +2
      • 贫居闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲?
        • 不是这句,好像有个穗字还有个弟字在里面的一句论语谚语,我以前找到过,但又忘了,怎么也想不起来了
        • 找到了,我想说的是这句,故饥岁之春,幼弟不饷;穰岁之秋,疏客必食
          • 学习了。
          • 这个牛X了
            • 古代圣贤牛X,我们有幸得到使用 +1
    • 所以真正毁灭这个国家就是加拿大人。为了挣钱,不择手段地作践自己的国家。
    • 看到这些话,我很生气:(来自我的印度同事):没有印度人,加拿大就什么也不是。你们需要我们让加拿大变得更好。没有我们,加拿大就会是一个垂死的国家,因为人口太少,出生率正在下降,加拿大人没有足够的雄心来填补高级职位。 +1



      你为什么辞职?我从事招生工作。我再也忍受不了了,回家后感到内疚,觉得自己加剧了大规模移民问题,进而加剧了住房危机。所以我辞职了。尽管在此之前 6 个月一直在努力找工作,但我觉得自己别无选择。我有福利、远程(混合)工作、高薪和健康的工作/生活平衡,但这份工作就像是在对加拿大人吐口水,因为它给了我同样的感觉。


      1. 与多伦多大学和不列颠哥伦比亚大学等主要大学相比,我们的规模要小得多。我们招收的学生数量微不足道。

      2. 我们给这些年轻人一个提升自我的机会。我们为加拿大做了好事。你们应该感到自豪。

      3. (来自我的印度同事):没有印度人,加拿大就什么也不是。你们需要我们让加拿大变得更好。没有我们,加拿大就会是一个垂死的国家,因为人口太少,出生率正在下降,加拿大人没有足够的雄心来填补高级职位。

      4. 没有留学生我们就活不下去。他们是我们的主要收入来源。

      5. 考虑这些事情不是你的工作。

      你们招收了哪些类型的学生?我们最近招收的国际学生 100% 都是印度人。通常情况下,印度人占 (大约) 90%,尼日利亚人占 9%,其他国家占 1%。我估计他们 75% 是男性,25% 是女性,非二元性别者占 0%(我们没有最新的性别统计数据,因此这纯粹是观察)。国际学生约占我们所有学生的一半,而且他们的比例还在增加(从历史上看,我们的国内学生要多得多)。


      有欺诈性申请吗?我估计印度的申请中大约有 25-50% 是欺诈性的。我经常会遇到英语水平完美无缺的人申请,但他们需要借助翻译才能与我交流。当我直接与他们交谈时,他们无法回答“你好吗?”之后的基本问题。我的老板要求我无论如何都要接受他们,因为我们可能会被起诉,而检查其合法性成本太高。

      他们工作吗?是的。我录取的每个学生都尽可能多地工作,主要是在附近的快餐店、便利店以及 Uber/出租车服务。

      那么他们在课堂上花了多少时间?幸运的是,我的学校要求出勤。不幸的是,大多数课程都是混合课程,所以我们无法核实他们是否真的在场。即便如此,这里的全部课程(5 门课程)每周实际工作时间不到 20 小时,因为学校想给学生更多的时间去学习。这对我来说很荒谬,因为他们首先应该是学生。需要说明的是,所有这些都意味着他们每周只来 2-3 次,具体取决于学生的时间表。一些教授还减少了家庭作业,让他们有更多时间学习。



      • 他们很庆幸自己来到加拿大

      • 浴室非常脏(我每天至少要花 15 分钟擦尿、清理包装纸和纸巾等)[编辑:由于有几个人问过,我的工作需要我在许多不同的领域工作,从招生到招聘再到咨询和辅导,但不需要这种清洁。这是我自愿/需要做的事情。学生可以使用教职工浴室,而且情况非常糟糕。我们都出钱让它变得可以管理]

      • 他们想在获得加拿大国籍后去美国

      • 尽管我所在的学校所有课程都是全英文授课,但他们几乎不会说英语

      • 他们不尊重安静规则,这意味着人们普遍期望宿舍里的人应该保持安静,以尊重办公室和教室里的人(尽管这可以说是针对任何大学生的)

      • 我收到的国内女学生投诉明显增多,称他们受到男留学生的骚扰


      • 劣币驱逐良币是有道理滴 😂
        • 很难说孰优孰劣,旁遮普人主要好处是忠于王室。中国人想推翻国王,迎接主席。
      • 哎我去。谢谢分享,让我们跟多地了解了世界
      • 联邦政府对造成这种现象的有极大责任:"所有廉价的海外代理都是印度人。他们只在印度招募人才政府更有可能批准印度人的许可证,所以我们不应该在其他国家的人身上浪费时间。" +2
      • 这个是实话,女拳太厉害了,连不生孩子的都有女拳。
      • 这话说的在理,如果没有这些印度移民带来的新基因,几代下去,大家都变成了痴呆。 +1
      • 把自己这辈子活好就成 :)
    • 这些college或者university一概都是文凭工厂 +1

      Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (source)

      Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario (source)

      Canadore College in North Bay, Ontario (source)

      Cape Breton University in Sydney, Nova Scotia (source)

      Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario (source)

      Lambton College in Sarnia, Ontario (source)

      Loyalist College in Belleville Ontario (source)

      Niagara College in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario (source)

      Northern College in Timmins, Ontario (source)

      Sault College in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario (source)

      Trinity Western University in Langley, British Columbia (source)



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