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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

You must take a stand for your freedom. You cannot wait outside source to do the job for you. See your actions and take a stand in the name of humanity by taking action to stop the injustice done to you and your family.

You must take a stand for your freedom. You cannot wait outside source to do the job for you. See your actions and take a stand in the name of humanity by taking action to stop the injustice done to you and your family. Take the negative people out of positions like the school platforms, political platforms and social media platforms. Do not wait a politician to do the job for you. Protect your kids and take them out of the negative systems that are indoctrinating their consciousness so our future society is healthy and strong on ideas. Bring back The teachings of ladies and gentlemen and respect to the elderly. 
Teach your children science off Tesla, sacred geometry, horticulture preservation of the land and how to build from scratch with sustainable materials. All that is available everywhere in the Internet and yet a lot of people are waiting for the school systems to do it for them. And this systems are part of the old platforms that are indoctrinating and overtaking your children. You see the degradation of society everywhere and it must be changed by you take an action to stop it. You know that something is not right when more people are concern what is happening in the new movie Avatar than the child abuse.  You see degradation when people are taking a stand for a movie star to be freed and yet you don’t see people walking the streets to free the children. It is time to take the blindfold off so you can see what is really being done to you and your family and have the strength to stand up and take what is rightfully yours.
Marina Jacobi
