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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

ZT 【重要申明】有關Cobra國際黃金時代的訊息,一個字都不要相信! @ 淨光工作者 :: 痞客邦 ::這些訊息都是為了轉移人類的注意力,讓人類不相信自己具有無限大的力量與智慧,讓人類無法往內「覺醒」,回復自身靈魂的智慧及力量,脫離地球輪迴及負面能量的控制


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / ZT 【重要申明】有關Cobra國際黃金時代的訊息,一個字都不要相信! @ 淨光工作者 :: 痞客邦 ::這些訊息都是為了轉移人類的注意力,讓人類不相信自己具有無限大的力量與智慧,讓人類無法往內「覺醒」,回復自身靈魂的智慧及力量,脫離地球輪迴及負面能量的控制
    • 真真假假,假假真真。反正你转发了除了《与神对话》我都直接跳过
    • 一个人写的关于COBRA的长长的评论The Great White Brotherhood (COBRA) made famous by Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society and Alice Bailey of The Lucifer Trust (Sponsor of UN) [renamed,
      Lucis Trust], [renamed Lucas Trust]

      一个人写的关于COBRA的长长的评论The Great White Brotherhood (COBRA) made famous by Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society and Alice Bailey of The Lucifer Trust (Sponsor of UN) [renamed, Lucis Trust], [renamed Lucas Trust], has two outer movements one in the West the Gnostic Illuminati or FreeMasonry and one in the East the White Fire Dragon Society.

      The TRUTH about the antichrist, and the golden Age of Aquarius
      Many people misunderstand what the golden Age of Aquarius actually is or what it implies. People are under the impression that it means a future of free love, and humanitarianism. But if we look at astro-theology and astrology I really think it really means something else. Who is the antichrist? In astrotheology Leo is the Christ energy. The Sun/solar being. The opposite of God (Sun/Leo) is of course Saturn, Satan, Antichrist, Aquarius, Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is classically ruled by Saturn and lies in the Tropic of Capricorn (Hell). This is the antichrist.
      In the Age of Aquarius, you can expect to see a restrictive (Saturn) technocracy. If you read any of the science magazines and tech magazines or listen to Astrology you will see why I believe this. The technologies that are currently out there like drones, high power satellites , human cloning, 3D printers, droids, and bots etc point to this. If you watch the beginning of Terminator 2 you’ll see the humans fighting a military of autonomous robots - it may have been predictive programming for the Age of Aquarius.
      Randall Baer, a former top New Age leader who became a born again Christian expresses the nature of the conspiracy we must contend with in his revealing bestseller, Inside The New Age Nightmare. He wrote, “This agenda is nothing less than the complete revolutionizing of the very foundations of not only America but the entire world. Such a plan calls for the total restructuring of planetary civilization into an enlightened One World Federation in which national boundaries and sovereignty are secondary, and 'planetary citizenship' in the

      and 'planetary citizenship' in the 'global village' is the order of the day. This (conspiracy) offers a world in desperate need a grand solution to profound global problems. Apparent world peace and unprecedented opportunities ... are to be unveiled."


      Herein lies the Antichrist's last temptation, offered to all the world - To prepare the world to receive the antichrist and to enter the Age of Aquarius, thus establishing the New World Order.


      The goal of the New Age Movement has consistently been to bring in the Age of Aquarius when all will recognize "the God within themselves." A major step towards this in the words of the New Age prophetess Alice Bailey, is "the regeneration of the churches." Her vision was that "The Christian church in its many branches can serve as a St. John the Baptist, as a voice crying in the wilderness, and as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished." In a word, she desired the time when the "Christian churches" would embrace the New Age concepts of illumination and self-realization. The New Age plan to bring in world peace cannot fully establish the Golden Age of Aquarius until Biblical Christianity is outlawed or destroyed.


      Now that the Church of Rome has entered into liaison with paganism, she has again concocted another successful work of syncretism. As Catholicism has become the religion of the European Union, the desires of New Age leaders appear to be coming true. Even at the local parish level according to William Shannon "contemplative spirituality" has now widely replaced old-style Catholicism. With New Age convictions being voiced by leading Catholics and Evangelicals, it appears that the desired goal is closer to being achieved. The New Age aspiration to establish a one-world order lead by "a Christ Leader" is being met by the Pope and his Church. All of this ought not to surprise any believer, for the Bible has persistently warned believers of the enormity, growth and prevalence of the apostate church system and her mistres

      , growth and prevalence of the apostate church system and her mistresses."







      WAKE UP!

      WAKE UP!

      WAKE UP!

      Trump acquires White Dragon Society protected Gold to reset the world economy and Make America Great Again!



      President Trump representing all 32nd degree Scottish Rite masons and below in a secret masonic ceremony in the forbidden city in China during his recent Asian visit was admitted as a fellow of the White Dragon Society, the Asian equivalent of Masonry.

      Ending a rift between the Gnostic Illuminatti and the WD Society that began with the dishonorable war crime of dropping twin nuclear weapons on civilian targets within a defeated Japanese Nation, despite a promise to WD to only demonstrate a single device against an isolated military target.

      The vast tranches of Asian Royal Bloodline Gold that could have been used to rebuild the shattered economies deeply in war debt to the Satanic Illuminatti Banksters was held back for a period of time by the custodians of civilization due to this rift.

      Instead only after the Brenton Woods agreement saw a Satanic Illuminati infiltrated America declared a world superpower and WW2 was allowed to end. Research and Development by all parties however proceeded unabated.

      The Back Story:

      The handlers of President Trump are known as the Gnostic Illuminatti their symbol is the Goddess LuSophia-Gaia-Saraswati-Amunet holding aloft the torch of enlightenment of which the Statue of Liberty is the landmark of their nation.

      This image has been falsely linked to the lie that Lucifer is somehow connected to the enemy of mankind Satan through the Vatican lie about Eve and Lucifer and the fall of mankind. The Gnostic Illuminatti are locked in a death match with the Satanic Pedophile Illuminatti that have infiltrated all banking and governments of the world.

      The Great White Brotherhood made famous by Helena Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society and Alice Bailey of the Lucis Trust has two outer movements one in the West the Gnostic Iluminatti and one in the East the White Fire Dragon Society.


      These two society's have been estranged after WW2 when the Satanist's successfully infiltrated the Manhattan Project and reneged on the promise to the White Dragon Society to just demonstrate the Nuclear Weapon on a single isolated Japanese military target instead of raising the twin Nuclear Mushrooms over Japanese civilian targets, which was a war crime. The Two Columns of smoke, Twin Towers of 911 etc, is a Satanic Zionist Masonic symbol of the two columns of the Third Temple they want to build in which to crown their "King of the World".

      The Gnostic Illuminati and the White Dragons (WD) have resolved their differences after the Satanic Illuminatti tried to create DNA specific biological weapons such as the SARS and Ebola viruses to depopulate Asian and African societys. That was the straw that broke the camel's back and stirred the sleeping dragon into action against the Dark Deep States that infest the Western nations.

      The historical power of both these Society's dates back to the silk road. The Knights Templars, the Rosecrucians (who are the forerunners of the Masons, still in existence) had the franchise for protecting the Merchants of Venice (Remnants of the Roman Empire bloodlines) European leg of the Silk Road which ended in the Western end in what is now Israel, it was marketed as protecting Christian pilgrims by the Church. The Eastern End was in North Korea and they met in the Middle in the present State of Bhutan, the least corrupt State in the World. The White dragons protected the Asian Merchants and the Asian Royal Bloodlines of China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia.

