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Clearly not every soul is ready for it and the experience at this time is bound to help you expand your level of consciousness.It is the key to your continued evolution and the opportunity to become a Galactic Being.It is your destiny and something to greatly look forward to that will leave the negative energies behind never again to interfere with your evolution such as they have done previously.


Please remember to focus upon all that is positive,so as to avoid giving power to the dark Ones by becoming involved with negative energies that they thrive upon.Can you not see that all of their actions are calculated to cause negativity that feeds their needs,so keep calm in all circumstances and do not be drawn into arguments or disputes that might cause you to lose control of your feelings.We know it is hard if you have been used to letting loose when goaded or pressurised by being taunted and abused.You can do it and it may take practise so do not give up if at first you do not succeed..

