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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛MANIFESTATION PROCESS
-Law of Manifestation

It is the key for life and mission. There have been many books written about it (Law of Attraction, The Secret) but it is all incomplete info that makes people frustrate, but now the complete key to manifest, and I absolutely guarantee you, if you do it, it will work. It may take sometime but it will work. This is one of the reasons why I know The Event will happen: It cannot not be manifested because everything in the universe obeys the laws of physics…

The manifestation process has 3 steps and by repeating these 3 steps you can manifest anything. It may take time because we are in 3D. It is the same underline principle but the scope and time are different to manifest a cup of coffee or The Event.

1. Decision.

It is the most important step, it is a reflexion of your free will, you are a divine being that has free will, and this free will is the law in your universe, external reality has to obey it, and it is the manifestation of past decisions. For example, this room: architects, constructors, designers, electricians, all these people made decisions how it will manifest.
Our reality is the combination of everybody´s will (Illuminati, chimera, awaken people) and its how this mess is created, and the problem is people do not have free will or decision, and surrenders this free will and this is the reason why the dark forces have so much power. Rothschild made its plan 250 years ago and those Rothschild knew their great great great grandchildren will see the new order, their decision and their free will was so strong it almost manifested.
When your free will and decisions are clear enough your become very powerful. So the first step is to set clarity, what do I really want, what are my priorities, what matters, where do I say no, where do I say yes. To get clarity it requires honesty to yourself, to set clarity to manifest. When you set clarity, priorities are clear, decisions are clear, then free will spark as a diamond… and reality needs to adjust to that decision, the whole universe. If you would be able to see the energies around you, you could see a complete re-arrangement of the energy flow around you, because the energy arranges to the new pattern.

Implants: you begin to adapt to expectations and compromise your free will, so when you begin to realign your decision to what you really want, you come face to face to expectations from your parents or society.
Father-son approval: son wants to be approved and becomes a doctor, so he start medicine and becomes a doctor, but he is not happy because it was his father´s decision not his, and if you do many things like this your manifestation gets blocked, so you need to clear the manifestation channel.
First it is essential to live without compromises. The matrix has been setup in a way that only by compromising you will get what you want, that it is selfish to want anything in your life, and what you really want does not matter. So, to clear your manifestation channel clear compromises. Your life will become like a diamond, like a crystal.

2. Invocation

Means using your visualization, your imagination, your prayer, to start manifesting. When you are clear on what you want, fantasize, imagine, yearn as a tool to manifest and if you fantasize about something a lot it may be part of your mission. Follow it regardless what the society says. It is the key to your mission. Your mission is not about working hard, have passion about it. It is the thing you want to do above something else.

3. Physical action
You can decide and invoke but if there is no physical action, its not happening. An example from my life: I was selling a property so what I did is I wanted to sell it to the first person who called. So I visualize it, put advertising in paper and first person who called I sold it. It is because I was clear about what I wanted to happen.

Clear decision. Visualize. Take action.

There are thousands reading my blog everyday but few are taking physical action. Most are waiting for updates. I suggest people do something before the update. I don´t need a group of followers, I need a group of co-creators, a joined vision about The Event because each one has a piece of the puzzle.

Decide. Invoke. Take physical action.

Gets better with practice. Manifestation in 3D takes time, it is not a 5th dimension superconducting reality. If you want a coffee, 5 minutes, a house, years. As soon as you do not keep the energy up, you interrupt the flow and nothing happens. Three years for a house, keep it until the breakthrough, four years until it happens, never, never, never give up, and if you fall on the floor, keep doing it until it happens.

Physical action toward The Event: Spread the word, plant seed of vision. Many people want that but do not know it exists. Communicate the same idea with music, video, … arts. Any area of human activity can be a reflexion of The Event, and people will want it, and will not settle for less.

Picture: Out beliefs change the world.

We are shaping the reality of this planet. We have strong forces helping above and below our planet. So don´t be afraid to ask.

The only thing the dark forces can do is to test your decision, search for doubts, fear and insecurities, and might attack those, but, whenever your decision is absolutely clear, they cannot do anything about it, free will cannot be changed. (but they will attack those around you, their insecurity, their fears, their weak spots, their physical weakness), but it is the decision of those people to clear up. Shaman knows (its a tool for personal transformation, catalyzer).
All archons are testers, extremely unpleasant, but until gone, are showing our weak spots.

Saint Germain will support your manifestation process if you want to connect with him. At the moment of the invocation call upon Saint Germain because your decision is in the I am presence. Saint Germain has spread teaching of the I am presence, higher self divine will, and he is the one who has mastered the process of manifestation.
Alchemy: divine marriage between between personality and the soul. and it start the outer manifestation of inner alchemy

Advanced manifestation technology from the Galactic Confederation

Reality shaping: When you make a decision, you begin to shape space and time. Physical matter is made of sub-atomical particles which appear to be solid (standing wave) This can be done with technology or consciousness. Easiest way to shape reality is by attention, you can apply the law of attention to manifest, and you can apply this to manifest abundance.

Theoretically is very simple to manifest money. Invest money in one big silver coin (15 EUR) and take it everywhere you go. Look at it every day, soon you will manifest the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and then you can buy a gold coin, and then a gold bar, and then sell those and buy a house, buy an island, buy the whole planet, this is what Rothschild did.

When I was twelve years old I bought my first crystal. Focus your attention in what you want to manifest. Your attention creates a vortex of manifestation and at some point it goes to a portal and manifests in the physical.

Note: Here a lady stood up and said she wanted to manifest 200 EUR to go the galactic love party, Cobra asked for a hut, where people could donate. The hut never reached me. She told the group and it manifested.

Vortex support field: Draw everything you want in your life, take it home and it will manifest. 20 years ago I did my first one and it was done 10 years ago. The second one involved a stratospheric flight and it is done. 3rd contains pleiadian ship contact. Do not limit yourself.

We are experiencing a rapid de-manifestation of darkness, it started 25.000 years ago with no obstruction.

Picture: Manifestation process Every thought, every action creates ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. You are far more powerful than you realize.

Questions and answers:
You can use sound and shapes to help in the manifestation process
Check Vindu -> Sacred geometry to amplify manifestation process, put a picture in the middle of manifestation, a mandala, a flower of life, ideally in a vacuum chamber, even more, liquid nitrogen, and laser systems.

If you are really honest with yourself your mission will be of the light.

Picture: Golden Vortex of Saint Germain
-Manifestation / Abundance Protocols

Meditation to bring abundance in life:

Close your eyes and watch your breath for a few minutes. Visualize your body and your energy field in golden light permeating body and energy field, permeating your emotions, your mind and your aura becoming golden light, everything around you is in this golden light, feel it with all your being, you become golden light. You are that golden light.
You can feel that golden light, that golden light as a fountain in your heart flowing in all dimensions. You are the center. Call upon the presence of ascended master Saint Germain and ask him to bring the golden power of abundance in your life. He is standing in front of you and his energy is descending on you, and visualize and experience Saint Germain placing a gold coin and it becomes you. Feel the big gold coin, you feel it physically, it weights in your hands and Saint Germain is blessing the coin to become abundance in your life and you can awake a decision in the near future to manifest golden coins. The first golden coin that you will receive or buy will be the golden coin blessed by him to bring abundance in your life.

When you receive it, wear it in your pocket everyday, and you can visualize more and more coins with the purpose of assisting you in manifesting the life of your dreams. Visualize yourself enjoying that perfect life, and the abundance coming will help manifest that perfect life. Feel the excitement, the joy of that perfect life, feel the presence of your perfect life in your energy field. And this first golden coin you get will be the first sign that your life will change. Feel now.
Open your eyes keep that presence and field, vision inside you, keep your perfect life with you for the rest of the day, for the rest of your life.
-de-manifestation Filters

De-manifestation is when you say no. De-manifest when you don´t want it anymore. The decision you make is an absolute boundary.
Example: People were always late for meeting me. I decided to wait for 15 minutes. I never wait for more than 15 minutes. Because I said no to this, no to this behavior and people are not late anymore.
Use it in your life. For example: Nobody is allowed to yell at me under any circumstances. You will be tested! and then few things may happen when your decision is strong enough, people will feel the shift and stop, if not you will leave your job.
De-manifestation filter works with everything, this is how to remove attacks, you say: This does not happen anymore. This is how I survived all this, there have been many people killed. It is simply not part of my reality. But also works with smaller things (Note: like the wish of not getting tomatoes in your food plate anymore).

Use the same process, make a decision support, etc. Sometimes de-manifestation is easier.

Questions and answers:
How come, that your beloved Isis wasn’t able to demanifest the attacks on her? I believe that she wished to live here (physically). She had a weakness, did not make certain decisions, nobody is perfect, and if you are a powerful being yours tests are greater, and her challenges were higher. When you become powerful at planetary level a small weakness can have consequences. She is working to manifest the Goddess at a galactic level. She will come back far more powerful and more beautiful.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net