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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

... 你比他呢?...



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  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 下了几天的雨,贴篇鸡汤文。The world you choose +1
    If it is important enough to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you will find an excuse.

    Difficult circumstances can challenge you but they cannot stop you. Only you can stop you. Others can give encouragement, can teach you and help you, or they can conspire against you to hold you back. Only you can decide what to do with it all, and what to make out of what you've been handed.

    There are some roads that lead to success and others that lead to despair. The road you are on depends entirely on the road you have chosen.

    Whether you see a life filled with beauty and positive possibilities or whether you see no hope at all, your assessment will most certainly prove to be true. So which one will you choose to see?

    The world you choose to experience and the world you most sincerely choose to live in is precisely the world where you will be.
    • Keyword:choose.
      • 阿q精神。讲的是inner world。
        • Inner world 才choose, external world 没得选 都是随遇而安吧。
      • 好几天不见太阳,高兴不起来怎么办?有没有好的周末建议?
        • 问武兄吧,他还发愁太阳光,想忧郁些呢。我倒是很享受不高兴的状态,显得深沉内敛。 +1
          • 去年做的大风筝飞不高,主要是找不到好的材料做骨架。你知道到哪里能弄到青竹竿吗?
            • 把青梅竹马给拆了,哈哈。 记得一元店以前卖,自己做的没成功过。
    • Plato or Socrates
      ' 高足啊
    • ... 你比他呢?...


      • 哈哈,一休大师。。一边水桶的水都快荡光了。
      • 晃荡了半天,想捉弄一下同事逗个乐,又怕惹麻烦。
    • 金句不错。但若真做到了,估计是孤独不败了。
      • 阿q精神。讲的是inner world。 -rainbowadmirer(朵朵)
        • 为啥只能是阿Q精神呢?我希望孩子信了,作为人生的指路明灯,因为她太会给自己找借口了。:)
    • positive thinking helps, 但是该发生的事情还是会发生, 而且人的能力很有限 ~~~
      • 这里的world应该理解为你体验和感知的inner world。再贴一篇另外的鸡汤文。 Just thoughts 。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Frustration is nothing more than a thought, yet it can turn a beautiful day into a miserable experience when you continue to hold it in your mind. Worry is nothing more than a thought, and even so it can hold you captive as surely as a cage made of steel bars.

        Confidence and determination are just thoughts, too, and when you continue to think them you can achieve incredible things. Happiness is a thought as well, one that can bring magnificent beauty and fulfillment during those times you choose to hold it in your mind.

        The next time you are frustrated, worried, angry or annoyed, remember that it's because you have decided to be so. You can just as easily decide to be confident, positively determined, patient, understanding, peaceful and even happy.

        If it sounds foolish and unrealistic to think peaceful thoughts of confidence when you're surrounded by turmoil and disorder, ask yourself this question. Would it be better to join in that turmoil with your thoughts, or to rise powerfully and positively above it?

        Your actions, your results, and the course of your life are directed by your thoughts. And your thoughts are ultimately determined by who you truly choose to be.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 说的很对, 只不过在困难的时候施行比较难~~ +1
          • 呵呵,如果牙疼或者憋不住想上厕所,就算主站在面前想到的还是牙疼和厕所。
    • 兵法书里说没有攻不破的城堡,只有心有旁骛的侵略者。于是就有了泡妞宝典里的格言,没有追不到的女人,只有没那么想追的对象。阿Q精神所代表的真髓,是左右互搏的原则。
      • 哈哈哈,荡木大师看到了“朦胧断背”没?笑死我啦。一上午最好笑的是看到这个。
        • 那朦胧的确是让我很”“蒙眬”。脊梁骨从来就没有长出来过,不知道哪来的”背“可断。
        • 这句话, 还有个前提,我哥漏了。 只要脸皮厚, 没有~~~
          • 断不了的背?~~ lol
            • 这句话如果以“肉”结尾比较押韵。
              • 那朵朵你来,你功底好
                • 男人的混账话,不接。
        • 我也笑S 了, 数字姐很幽默~~~
    • What if the meaningless absurd world is so damn important to someone? My answer for them: Go kill thyself.