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llresearch (一的法则)刚出的一本书 Voices of the Confederation, 讲的也是这个.按他们说的,除了常规的MEDITATE外,为他人服务,放弃所有财产也是 achieve a knowledge of love.(original thought)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are three ways to achieve a knowledge of
The first way is to relax and let your mind become at rest.
This is the method of meditation. If this is done on a daily
basis, then it is not possible to shut out the love that is ever
present. You will become aware of the true creation and its
The second way is to go forth among the people of your
planet and serve them. They will return to you love, and you
will absorb this love and store it within your being. I must at
this time caution that this service to your people must be
done in such a way that it is service that they wish. Do not
make a mistake, as so many of your people have done, in
trying to impress an unwanted or unsolicited service upon
your neighbor. To go forth and to serve your fellow man at
this time upon your planet requires much care and planning,
for it is at this time rather difficult to accomplish, for
interpretations of service vary greatly, and it is necessary that
you understand what service is, in order for yours to be
effective. This can only be done by following the first step or
plan, which is meditation.
The third technique is to give all that you have to your fellow
man. If this is done, then you will not be encumbered by
material possessions. You will no longer give part of your love
to material possessions. Giving love to material possessions is
an extreme waste of your abilities. This is a mistake that is
made by most of the people of this planet. It is necessary, if
one is to attempt this method of gaining love, to divorce
oneself from the desire for material things.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / ZT What is enlightenment and how to be enlightened? +4
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Jesus says, ”Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.” But please remember if it is a door or not. Don’t go on knocking on the wall, otherwise no door shall be opened unto you. And, in fact, when you knock at the door, when you really reach near the door, you will find it has always been open. It has always been waiting for you. A door is a waiting, a door is a welcoming, a door is a receptivity. It has been waiting for you, and you have been knocking on the wall. What is the wall? When you start through knowledge and not through being, you are knocking at the wall.

    Become, be! Don’t gather information. If you want to know love, be a lover. If you want to know God, be meditation. If you want to enter the infinite, be prayer. But be! Don’t know about prayer. Don’t try to accumulate what others have said about it. Learning will not help; rather, unlearning will help. Drop whatsoever you know, so that you can know. Drop all information and all scriptures, forget all Korans and Bibles and Gitas; they are the barriers, they are the wall. And if you go on knocking against that wall, those doors will never open, because there are no doors. And people are knocking against the Koran, knocking against the Vedas, knocking against the Bible, and no door opens. They go on studying and studying, and they go on missing. THEY STUDIED FOR YEARS, BUT WAS UNABLE TO FIND ENLIGHTENMENT.

    What is enlightenment? It is becoming aware who you are. It is nothing to do with the outside world. It is nothing to do with what others have said. What others have said is irrelevant. You are there! Why go and consult the Bible and the Koran and the Gita? Close your eyes and you are there in your infinite glory. Close the eyes and the doors are open. Because you are there you need not ask anybody. You ask... then you will miss. The very asking shows that you think you are somewhere else. The very asking shows that you are asking for a map. And for the inner world there is no map – there is no need, because you are not moving to an unknown destination.

    Really, you are not moving at all. You are there. You are the goal. You are not the seeker, you are the enlightenment. So what is enlightenment? One state – when you seek without – is unenlightenment; another state – when you seek within – is enlightenment. So the only difference is of a focusing. If you focus out, you are unenlightened. If you focus in, you are enlightened. So the only question is of a turning.

    The Christian word conversion is beautiful, but they have used it in a horrible way. Conversion doesn’t mean to make a Hindu a Christian or to make a Christian a Hindu. Conversion means a turning. Conversion means a turning to the source, turning within; then you are converted. And your consciousness can flow in two ways, outwards or inwards; these are the two possibilities for the stream of your consciousness to flow. Outwards it can flow for many, many lives – it will never reach to the goal, because the goal is at the source. The goal is not ahead, it is behind. The goal is not somewhere where you will reach. The goal is somewhere where you have already left. The
    source is the goal. This has to be understood very deeply. If you can go backwards to the first point of your beginning, you reach the goal.

    Enlightenment is to go to the source, and the source is within you; life is there flowing, throbbing, continuously beating within you. Why ask others? Studying means asking others. Asking about yourself and asking others? This is foolishness par excellence. This is absolute absurdity – asking about yourself and asking others. That’s what study means: looking for the answer. And you are the answer!

    Another thing to remember: your being is life, and no scripture can be alive. Scriptures are bound to be dead. Scriptures are corpses, and you are asking the dead about your life. This is not possible. Buddha will not be of much help, neither will Jesus – unless you become a Buddha or a Jesus. Life cannot be answered by the dead. And if you think that you will find the answer, you will be more and more burdened by the answers, and the answer will remain unknown. This is what happens to a man who is studying, who is a thinker, who is a philosopher. He goes on being burdened by his own efforts – words and words and words – and is lost. And the answer was always there. Just a turning-in was needed.

    No, nobody will answer you. Don’t go to anybody, go to yourself. And whenever you reach a master, all that he can do is help you to reach yourself, that’s all. No master can give you the answer, no master can give you the key. The master can only help you to look within, that’s all. The key is there, the treasure is there, everything is there.
    没有,没有人会回答你,不要去找任何人,到你自己那里去!无论何时你到师傅那里,他所能做的一切是帮你达成你自己,那就是一切。没有师傅会给你答案,没有师傅会给你钥匙,师傅只能帮助你向内看,那便是一切,钥匙就在那儿,宝藏就在那儿,一切都在那儿。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • llresearch (一的法则)刚出的一本书 Voices of the Confederation, 讲的也是这个.按他们说的,除了常规的MEDITATE外,为他人服务,放弃所有财产也是 achieve a knowledge of love.(original thought)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛There are three ways to achieve a knowledge of
      The first way is to relax and let your mind become at rest.
      This is the method of meditation. If this is done on a daily
      basis, then it is not possible to shut out the love that is ever
      present. You will become aware of the true creation and its
      The second way is to go forth among the people of your
      planet and serve them. They will return to you love, and you
      will absorb this love and store it within your being. I must at
      this time caution that this service to your people must be
      done in such a way that it is service that they wish. Do not
      make a mistake, as so many of your people have done, in
      trying to impress an unwanted or unsolicited service upon
      your neighbor. To go forth and to serve your fellow man at
      this time upon your planet requires much care and planning,
      for it is at this time rather difficult to accomplish, for
      interpretations of service vary greatly, and it is necessary that
      you understand what service is, in order for yours to be
      effective. This can only be done by following the first step or
      plan, which is meditation.
      The third technique is to give all that you have to your fellow
      man. If this is done, then you will not be encumbered by
      material possessions. You will no longer give part of your love
      to material possessions. Giving love to material possessions is
      an extreme waste of your abilities. This is a mistake that is
      made by most of the people of this planet. It is necessary, if
      one is to attempt this method of gaining love, to divorce
      oneself from the desire for material things.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Once you are enlightened,it's nature to serve other people and give up your material possessions while it is more difficult to do it before. So meditation is the most effective and realistic way to be enlightened. Thanks.