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【为亲爱的圣诞精神配上:】这一首歌:We Are The World。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【也算我们梦想论坛的圣诞精神吧?不分享好像不行了一样。:)】“谁都有潦倒的时候,能帮还是帮一下。假如哪天大雪暴一个孕妇在路边招手,我不管她良心会不安。 。。。。。; 12:59 (#10454621@0) ”
    • “ 这么说吧。如果是天气很差,公交停运这种,只要是妇女需要搭车,我基本会停。 。。。。 13:21 (#10454705@0)”
      • 世界因此充满爱与和平。
    • 他的形象又高大了。。。耶~
      • 已经是第一美男子了,现在内在也这么美,没办法了。
        • 还大喇叭这么广播。。。。受不了了 +2
          • :)
          • +1.。。。。。。气死大伙了,LOL +2
            • 就是,就是,就是,loooooooooooooooool
      • 假如的也算?
        • 人家都开车送过印度人了。
          • 真的假的,,,,听说30多印度人可以挤进一辆面的
            • 一次让陌生人搭我的车是一个印度人,像新移民,他要找一个地方,和他说不请,又只有两三公里远,干脆送他去。 -madog(武疯子)
              • 跟你说话就是没劲,,,不诙谐
                • 我故意的。因为你太有劲了。不能让你太有劲。LOL。
    • 这都是假设,实际从没发生过。唯一一次让陌生人搭我的车是一个印度人,像新移民,他要找一个地方,和他说不请,又只有两三公里远,干脆送他去。
      • 不要谦虚了。反正,这就是圣诞精神。我让人搭车了那么多次,都没有搭过印度人,或者南亚人。因为每次要搭车的基本都是白人男女为主,绝大绝大绝大多数。其他族裔的很少。
      • 我有一次送个同事回家,大雪天,后来撞了人家车屁股,又扣分又罚钱,我很郁闷。。。她却若无其事,如果不送她,我根本不会走那条路。。。后来就再也不载她了
        • 很明显是你的错,与你同事无关。当然你出于热心, 但这里的人是很现实的,同事太冷漠了些。
          • 中国人啊
    • 【为亲爱的圣诞精神配上:】这一首歌:We Are The World。

      • 十恶不赦的右右怎会喜欢这种世界大同的歌?
        • :)
      • 【We are the world】歌词:我们就是世界。世界就是我们。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【We are the world】


        There comes a time
        When we head a certain call
        When the world must come together as one
        There are people dying
        And it's time to lend a hand to life
        The greatest gift of all

        We can't go on pretending day by day
        That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
        We're all a part of God's great big family
        And the truth, you know, love is all we need

        We are the world
        We are the children
        We are the ones who make a brighter day
        So let's start giving
        There is a choice we're making
        Were saving our own lives
        It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

        Send them your heart
        So they'll know that someone cares
        And their lives will be stronger and free
        As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
        And so we all must lend a helping hand

        We are the world
        We are the children
        We are the ones who make a brighter day
        So let's start giving
        There is a choice we're making
        Were saving our own lives
        It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

        When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
        But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
        Well, well, well, well let us realize oh! That a change can only come
        When we stand together as one

        We are the world
        We are the children
        We are the ones who make a brighter day
        So let's start giving
        There is a choice we're making
        Were saving our own lives
        It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

        We are the world
        We are the children
        We are the ones who make a brighter day
        So let's start giving
        There is a choice we're making
        Were saving our own lives
        It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

        We are the world
        (Are the world)
        We are the children
        (Are the children)
        We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving
        (So let's start giving)
        There is a choice we're making
        Were saving our own lives
        It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

        Ohh let me hear you!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我还真载过一次。就在多伦多悬崖公园,白天,一个小伙子拿着个滑板在下面求搭车。看着不像坏人,估计也想过万一动手能打得过。小伙子到了坡上就下车了,好像是玩滑板的,滑下去。
      • 我们每次开车去美国,基本都遇到白人男女要求搭车,还年龄都不大。中老年没有。
        • 小伙是当地白人
          • 为什么白人搭车的多?其他族裔的少?
            • 估计没有这个习惯
      • 让他在车后面划着滑板拽上坡去
        • 这个比较刺激。。。
      • 很多时候自己也说不清自己怎么决定帮谁不帮谁,看着对方可怜又面善,可能就帮了。甚至,和自己当时心情也有关。
        • 对。悬崖公园散步回来,心情好。就没想过拒绝。。。要是个壮汉,估计我不会停。相信确认没风险的情况下,大家都愿意帮别人一把。
          • 我们目前还没搭过牛高马大粗壮的主,都比较苗条,当然高是高,但苗条,不五大三粗。
            • 嗯。安全第一
              • 所以,我特别理解小古巴的压力,面对五大三粗的他的小黑妹,他没有压力才怪。而且搭车的人在我们身后坐着,所以,如果五大三粗,肯定开车都发抖。LOL。
        • 我也是,完全凭直觉。因为我家同学从来都是拖油瓶,得跟着我,所以,我们的不成文的默契是:我同意了,他才会准许对方搭我们的车。但因为直觉,每次我同意的,都是安全之旅。没有问题。女生的直觉是很准确的,不得不说。
    • 其实英雄就在我们身边, 我感到武先生就是英雄:)
      • 不知道他听到这句后,还睡得着不。:)
        • 在潦倒之时,在风雪之中,在悬崖之边缘。。。。若有这样的身影相助,是真英雄啊!这是梦坛精神吗? 武先生英雄~~~梦坛伟大~~~